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Messages - Matteo Turini

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Apocalypse World / Re: change your character to a new type
« on: January 19, 2011, 05:41:45 PM »
Just giving up the A no shit driver seems reasonable.
I mean... He doesn't forget how to drive, but the fact that he's a super-driver isn't important anymore.
I could see this work in game. "I'm not that guy anymore, pal. I have a goddamn city to look after, now."

brainstorming & development / Re: Magic move
« on: January 18, 2011, 04:02:07 PM »
Thank you way, you are extremely helpful. I understand what you're saying.

I thought of the magic move(s) the way magic was intended in Ad&d: wizards who can cast a lot of different spells with broad applications. I simply didn't like the way it was handled in Ad&d, and I thought AW moves could serve better.
The fact that they are described mostly by mechanical parts is incidental, because (in the first wording of the move) magic simply redirected it to a basic one, thus making that important, not the magic per se. I think that that way it kept the basic conflict dynamics in AW, adding on the magic color layer to the fiction.

Anyway, I also like the idea of a set of more focalized spell moves, like in your campaign. It's just not what we were trying to achieve this time.
I think that at this point we'll simply have to test something on the field and, if I can't come up with a better idea, we'll probably try the "school" moves in my last post.

Thank you, way!

brainstorming & development / Re: Magic move
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:51:45 AM »
Yes, I can see that the hold and spend method could be frustrating for a player.
Making every spell a move isn't too much focalized, though? Is it working for you?
I mean... Taking for example Necromancy (spell), it only lets you rise a dead. Which is extremely cool, but you can only have the move do it. It appears to me like, instead of Seize by force, in Apocalypse World you had Seize by punching. Basically, a move that you could use, but too much strict to be a general move.

Well, maybe it just depends on how much you want to focus on the details in the wording of the moves. I think I'd just like a more flexible magic system.
Or am I misunderstandig you?

Anyway, I think that making an entirely "school" of magic into a move could work for me. For example (these are plainly based on D&D):

Evoker: when you try to obatin something with violence casting a spell, roll+will instead of roll+fortitude. Your spell counts as a weapon (1-harm hand/close, and choose two: +ap, +1harm, +area, +far, +intimate).


Hypnotist: when you try to influence someone with a spell, roll+will instead of roll+charisma. The spell counts as leverage.

As a side note: this is just wizard's magic, not the same for every class. Clerics (or other classes) will have definetly something different.
I know these moves are very little color-specific, but I still don't get why this would lead to poor fiction. They seem very similar to the basic ones to me.

brainstorming & development / Re: Magic move
« on: January 17, 2011, 05:00:28 PM »
For comparison, here's the other magic move I came up with (thanks to Simon):

At the beginning of the session, hold 3 and roll+will. On a 10+, hold 5 instead. On a miss, you have -1ongoing until you spend all your hold.
Spend 1 hold to cast a spell: if it requires a basic move, roll+will instead of anything else; if it doesn't require a move, you're acting under pressure. If you try to obtain something with violence this way, the spell counts as a weapon (1-harm hand/close, and choose 2: +ap, +1harm, +area, +far, +intimate). If you try to influence someone this way, the spell counts as leverage.

I'm not sure about the "on a miss" part, and if 5 and 3 are good numbers, but I like it. It's based on hardholder's wealth and savvyhead's bonefeel.

brainstorming & development / Re: Magic move
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:10:01 AM »
Yes, the extra-roll was my main concern too, but it was the best I came up with; I can see it's not perfect and rolling too much dice may become boring.
I like your suggestion of removing it, but just letting use roll+will instead of every other move seems a little overpowered to me. That way, a wizard could just use magic for every roll.

Anyway, I don't think that a magic move structured this way could really let achieve things without description. As for every other move, to do it, do it; you have to describe how you use magic.
"I swing my hand in the air, casting an invisible spell of hypnosis" is fine with me, same as "I blink my eyes and immediately teleport myself away" or "I chant arcane words pointing a finger and a fireball explodes at the bottom of the hill".

PS: I think that there might be something wrong with the board. It said that this discussion was posted more than 120 days ago, while I posted it last night, and it noted as if Jeff Russell replied, but I can't see his post.

brainstorming & development / Magic move
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:57:00 PM »
Next month my friends and I are probably going to run a game of "Dragon World", a hack of Apocalypse World we're thinking of lately. Well, it's more a re-colouring, not a deep hack. We like Apocalypse D&D and Dungeon World, but they don't have extactly the feeling we're searching for.

Anyway, to handle wizards' magic we were looking at John Harper's Eye of Chaos, but tonight I thought of a different system. We like the way magic is treated in that hack (well, at least in the document available on John's blog), but we were aiming at something more flexible. So I came up with this move:

When you're casting a spell, roll+will. On a success, you can make a basic move rolling+will instead of rolling+other stat. On a 10+, you have +1 forward. If you try to obtain something with violence {similar to seize by force in AW, but not the same} this way, the spell counts as a weapon (1-harm intimate/hand/close, and choose 2 options:
- the spell bypasses physical protections (+ap);
- the spell is particularly powerful (+1harm);
- the spell affects more than one person (+area);
- the spell has a long range (+far).)
If you try to influence someone {similar to manipulate someone} this way, the spell itself counts as leverage.

I'm not sure if this move is appropriate, tough; we haven't playtested it yet. What do you think?

Apocalypse World / Re: Skinner and Hardholder having sex
« on: January 15, 2011, 07:01:52 AM »
@Matteo: the double "he" isn't a mistake. Yaoi! :-P
I knew it! Well, in our game we have a double she (Vega, the hardholder - that name's cool! - and Impala, the driver).

Anyway, reading it, Johnstone's suggestion makes sense to me, except maybe for the fact that, if the skinner WANTS 1-barter, the hardholder MUST give him the gift, willingly or not.

I'm not sure if the wording of the hardholder's special could cancel the skinner's special option, though. It says he CAN give a gift for free, not that he can CHOOSE to give it or not thus making the skinner's special not working for that option.
I think the former's the right interpretation.

Apocalypse World / Re: Skinner and Hardholder having sex
« on: January 14, 2011, 06:34:20 PM »
Hardholder Special: "you can give the other character gifts worth 1-barter, at no cost for you".

Skinner Special option: "They must give you a gift worth at least 1-barter."

I'd treat them as two different moves, thus adding one to the other. Vega must give Shade a gift worth at least 1-barter from his/her reserve, PLUS, if (s)he wants, (s)he can give Shade other gifts worth 1-barter, at no cost for her/him.

I would probably handle the situation this way.

Fingers on the Firmament / Re: What's going on with "Fingers..."?
« on: January 12, 2011, 09:24:09 AM »
I'd like to know too, since I'm almost in love with what I've seen so far...

Sagas of the Icelanders / Re: Sagas of the Icelanders
« on: January 11, 2011, 10:20:10 AM »
I was looking forward to see the progresses of this game.

Apocalypse World / Re: experience with guest players
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:52:37 PM »
In one of our games, we had a friend of ours coming to watch, and he ended up playing a Quarantine. It lasted only for that session, but boy, he spiced up things a lot! One of his inputs came out to be of vital importance for Vega, my hardholder.

Yup, we found the Quarantine dead around the corner at the very next session, but he rocked our world anyway. I'm not sure if this was just a lucky coincidence, but i'd give a try letting your friend just play a new whole character.

Apocalypse World / Hardolholder Playbook (+ Faceless typo)
« on: December 29, 2010, 09:41:00 AM »
I'm not sure if this is the right section; anyway...
I was playing a Hardholder in a recent game, and my gang was lead into a fight with another gang. I noticed that in the Hardholder's playbook there's no harm counter for the gang and I just drew one, but I think it would be useful, seeing that the gang is a starting given for the character. Maybe something like the one in the Chopper's playbook, or in the "Tags" section of the gang.

Also i spotted a typo in the Faceless playbook, under the "Barter" section: there's an I written two times in the first word ("IIf you're charging...").

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