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Messages - fealoro

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Apocalypse World / Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« on: March 21, 2011, 11:27:22 AM »
I was in doubt between Sharp and Weird, but I prefer the idea that maternity is something irrational and "magic" in the apocalyptic world.

Indeed Sharp could be more appropriate if the Mother has to be a more "mundane" characther.

I'll think also how to shorten the moves list, as first thing I tried to put all the typical situation of a "mom" type. Actually this playbook seems to let have very different type of "Mother". From the pregnant teen, to the single mother, to the old matron with a lot of sons and nephew.

Maybe I should narrow my target?

Apocalypse World / Playbook Idea: The Mother
« on: March 21, 2011, 09:21:44 AM »
Inspired by the pregnancy threads and my wife status I suggest this playbook idea.

I don't have the time and the chance to playtest it, nor the experience to say if it is good. But I offer this to you all, if you like the idea and want use it or work out something useful, or correct. In any case thanks ;)


The Mother

Choose one set:
• Cool=0 Hard+1 Hot-1 Sharp+1 Weird+2
• Cool=0 Hard-1 Hot+1 Sharp=0 Weird+2
• Cool+2 Hard=0 Hot=0 Sharp-1 Weird+2
• Cool-1 Hard=0 Hot+2 Sharp=0 Weird+2


You take Heart of a mother
Set how many children you have with you and how old they are..
0: you must take the move I can grow people but you can set where the clock is.
choose another two moves
you cannot take: Far from eyes, haec ornamenta mea
1-3: choose three moves
you cannot take: haec ornamenta mea
3+: you must take Worn Out
choose another three moves
If someone of your children is less than ten years you get Far from eyes

heart of a mother: at the beginning of each session roll+number of children (max+3). On a miss you hold 3, on 7-9 you hold 1, on 10+ you hold your breath. You can spend the holds at the beginning of the session or when the MC ask you to spend them.
all of your children are not in danger
all of your children did not do something awful
all of your children did not disappoint you
you know where is everyone of your children

Then is up to the MC what happen
it’s a piece of heart: Whenever you go aggro or seize something by force in defense of one of your child roll+weird instead of roll+hard
I can grow people: you get a pregnancy clock.
haec ornamenta mea: you got a small gang, your offspring and their friends (2-harm gang small savage 1-armor).
the mother stare: you always roll+weird instead of roll+hot in attempt to manipulate one of your child
Everybody’s mother: you can choose one NPC or one PC. You must pass some time together. With a NPC roll+Weird. 10+ you can consider that one as one of your children. The same on 7-9 but with string attached. On a miss he hates you. With a PC roll+Hx. On a miss he get +1 Hx, on success you can consider him as one of your children. On 10+ they mark experience, on 7-9 nothing.
Something to spare: every time your children are in need roll+weird. On 10+you got something valued 1-barter giving something important for you but without value (you can add other barter). On 7-9 you get something valued at most 2-barter, but you are in debt with someone you don’t like.
Far from eyes: if some of your children (under ten years) is not with you or with someone you can rely on when you come back to him roll heart of a mother, but roll+how many hours you stay away (max +3).
Dear mom: if some of your children come to you to ask advise, if they do what you said they get +1 roll.
Happy family: you have someone important you can rely on. It is a NPC, has his own life, but he can help you. Can be the father of your children, your sister, your mother or someone else.
Worn Out: you got -1 Hot (min -3) and +1 Weird (max +3)

Sex move
When you have sex with a male character and you do not have a pregnancy clock you get it, set at 0.
In any case your partner choose two:
your children like her/him
you mark experience
he get +1forward
you do not have the pregnancy clock (if you should itget as results of this move)

On your turn chose 1 or 2
someone was friend of one of your children. Tell them Hx+2
someone loved you. Tell them Hx-1

To all the other tell them Hx+1
On the other turn choose 1 or 2
someone remember you one of your children, or you would like to have him as children. Add 1 to his number
someone do domething bad to your children. Ignore his number and put Hx+1

Pregnancy Clock
From 0 to 9 is the month of pregnancy. Every three months of play you check one segment.
0-3: any harm over 9:00 cancel the pregnancy clock. (It is what it seems)
3-6: as above. Any harm is +1harm, but you can cancel the pregnancy clock in order to cancel any 1-harm
6-9: as above. You can keep a clock that you should cancel taking 1-harm
10+: as above. You got -1forward. Any miss in any move let you check another segment.
When you check 12 you start labor: roll+weird. On a miss you get 2-harm and you cancel the clock. On 7-9 choose one of the two. On 10+ everything is ok.
If after the roll you still have the pregnancy clock, congratulation, your children is born and you can safely cancel the clock.
Any action right after the birth is acting under fire. Then you get the move Far from eyes.
A pregnancy clock is a leverage for the community where the mother live and for anyone who care. More, the Mother get +1 on any manipulation that use the clock as leverage.
When you open your brain to the maelstrom roll+pregnancy segment in addition to your main roll. On 10+ the MC choose one baby conditions, on 7-9 the MC still choose one condition but he got to cancel another one, if there is. On a miss nothing. You can cancel one condition chosen by taking 1-harm in the same moment.

The baby conditions
she is weird
she had some deformity
cancel the clock
she help you in the maelstrom, you get +1 forward
check one pregnancy clock segment
check one pregnancy clock segment

brainstorming & development / How many Hacks of AW?
« on: August 06, 2010, 07:50:53 AM »
There is 16 hacks subforum of AW.

The system is really good and I'm thinking too to try some other setting or moves set.
But as there is already a lot of work in progress. So I think could be interesting summarize the different hacks by genre.

I mean, I'm looking for a classical Sword&Sorcery hack of AW, like Conan saga. I think that the setting are quite similar as mood and as concept. What hacks already in progress do you think could be interesting for this kind of setting?


Apocalypse World / Rules Question: Battlebabe Sex move
« on: August 06, 2010, 04:16:12 AM »
It's an oddity, but I had 4 PCs made a four-way sex move. Thgere was a Battlebabe involved. How do you rule this case? Every sex moves is nullified? OR only the sex move of each PC with the BB, while we can consider valid the sex moves bteween the other PC?

I choose the second, to see more sex moves at work.

Apocalypse World / Re: Combat & Combat Types: Help, I don't get it!
« on: August 06, 2010, 03:54:47 AM »
From my point of view the Battlebabe is not the character to kill someone. That's the Gunlugger.
The Battlebabe is the character to do something in the battle.
The problem in the situation of the OP (IMHO) is that to kill someone is the main objective of to do something in the battle, because it stops the battle
But it shouldn't be so for the battlebabe. The Battlebabe should enjoy the battle and doesn't want to stop it, not so soon at least.
The problem is the way you handle the battle. If the BB want only to to kill someone that's not a battle, and you need a Gunlugger. But if you want someone that in the middle of battle spring up and put a bomb in the enemy bunker, or rush behind the enemy lines, or be cool even under the fire of a gang, that a BB job.
My point is, what's matter if the battlebabe can't kill the mob? As long as she does something, that is she does something under fire, she will be fine, and she can endura the battle.

this my 2c

EDIT: crossposted with Daniel, that explained very well my point

Apocalypse World / Re: One Shot at convention
« on: August 05, 2010, 10:08:45 AM »
Hi all

I've made my first (three) sessions at the Con

It has been three different "1st Session" with different players. In each session 1 hour to explain and make the PGs, 2 hours of play. I let them free to choose whatever characther they like. Also not all of them was good at reading english.

the first was with 5 PG (maybe too much to give a good spotlight for all of them)
Hardholder, gunlugger, brainer, battlebabe, skinner. It was around an undergroud community, qith a communist heavy metal dictatorship. There has been a revolt, put down with blood by the Hardholder and gunlugger and their hyenas (the hardholdergang). The brainer discovered that the revolt went up because people was afraid of people vanishing in the more distant tunnels.
The session closed when the PG discovered that the vanished people simply went outside. What there is in the outside is up to the next session (if there will be). The Hardholder already planned to bring his people in a exodus as a savior.
There has been also sex time, with intimacy started between the Hardholder and the Skinner, then extended to the Battlebabe and the Gunlugger. (BTW, how works the Battlebabe special move with a four-way?)

It has been a good game, the only downside was that I fear battlebabe and skinner doesn't play so much. I fear 5 people was too much and I wasn't able to give some good hook to all of them.

the other session was with 4 players, an Hocus, an Angel, a Gunlugger and a Savyhead.
The followers of the Hocus (messanger of the Great Ozzy) were in "want:hunger". They had to find some food. The Angel (a real bastard, he liked to cure only to be paid) suggested to assault a camp and eat the people. So it went (well not so straight). The session closed with the cannibal cultists hidden in some mountain caverns, while the PGs got rid of the remain of the gang they ate.
[it was a game, nothing real ;)] Oh, and the Gunlugger just shot the Angel in the legs while he was opening his mind to the maelstrom.

the third session had 4 players, a Skinner, a Battlebabe, a Gunlugger and a Brainer (child). It was in a urban/jungle enviroment, and the crew live on the show of the skinner, that perform travelling to different warchief. The last job was quite smooth, until the little brainer messed up. The war chief (Enough-to-eat) didn't like him e didn't want him at the show. He wanted to go, and failed some moves. The results was the warchief dead (by a granade) and the crew escaping, with the skinner accidently shot by the little brainer himself.

the last two session went smooth, and everyone has a good spotlight, I guess. One or two of them get enough experience to have an improvement. It seemed to me a bit too fast, but I go with that.

Very smart game!

Apocalypse World / Re: One Shot at convention
« on: July 06, 2010, 08:43:47 AM »
thanks Matt

How's the play with only two player? can be done as well? I thought at least 3 player should be better

Apocalypse World / Re: One Shot at convention
« on: July 06, 2010, 08:23:30 AM »
don't promise a game, promise an exploratory demo

don't worry, that would be the premise. That's why I wonder if shouldn't be better doing only the 1st session. Enough to see how the rules work, even if not so deeply in the game.

I'v read that the hatchet demo can be done in three hour. It's too tight?

Apocalypse World / One Shot at convention
« on: July 06, 2010, 02:50:06 AM »
Hi all!

I'm planning to try AW in a three hours slot in a Convention. It would be the first try for most of my player and probably the first try also for me.
What you suggest? Should I use Hatchet City (or some other ready scenario), or can I try also with the "1st session" of a new campaign?

thanks for any suggestion

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