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Messages - malifer

Pages: [1]
Dungeon World / Re: Dungeon World Books (Canada)
« on: March 28, 2013, 03:49:00 PM »
I admit I did not expect the books to go that high in price, it's gotten pretty absurd.  I had a few people who were interested in the books, and I wanted to ensure both my safety as a seller and their safety as a buyer so I figured using ebay and paypal was the best course of action.  I set a price that I thought was fair that covered my expenses for the books, and left it at that.  What I did not expect was an all out bidding war between buyers, causing the price to skyrocket like it did.  I don't want to gouge people on these books, I'm still sitting on a fairly large number of softcovers and a few hardcovers after the ebay sales.  So what am I supposed to do?  I'm open to suggestions at the moment.

You could use Boardgamegeek's marketplace. They have a flat 3% comission and I have seen plenty of listing that are noted reserved for specific buyers that a seller has contacted.

But if ebay is easier for you then it is what it is.

Dungeon World / Re: Dungeon World Books (Canada)
« on: March 28, 2013, 01:17:50 PM »
I admit I did not expect the books to go that high in price, it's gotten pretty absurd.  I had a few people who were interested in the books, and I wanted to ensure both my safety as a seller and their safety as a buyer so I figured using ebay and paypal was the best course of action.  I set a price that I thought was fair that covered my expenses for the books, and left it at that.  What I did not expect was an all out bidding war between buyers, causing the price to skyrocket like it did.  I don't want to gouge people on these books, I'm still sitting on a fairly large number of softcovers and a few hardcovers after the ebay sales.  So what am I supposed to do?  I'm open to suggestions at the moment.

You could use the Board Game Geek marketplace

This way you could "reserve" the listing for someone you have already commincated with. I have seen many listings on the marketplace where the seller has written in the description that the item is already sold to "Mr. Smith".

The BGG market place charges a 3% commission which is quite a bit lower than Ebay.

But if you are more comfortable with ebay, then that's what you got.

Dungeon World / Re: Low fantasy/magic?
« on: March 20, 2013, 03:04:03 PM »
First thought is to look at the old level 0 Villager playbook. It had limited access to basic Cantrips and Rotes. Then build your new low magic from there.

Also maybe just use World of Dungeons and eliminate the spirit use. Probably the easiest solution. It'll have a more sword and sorcery vibe.

Dungeon World / Re: Getting more copies of Dungeon World
« on: March 16, 2013, 01:34:37 PM »
In a couple of weeks it should be on sale to the public. I believed Sage tweeted that they will make a big announcement about it once it happens.

Right now they are making sure the backers got their books.

brainstorming & development / Re: Moonrise Over Karse - Glorantha Hack
« on: March 08, 2013, 09:02:16 PM »
Will there be Ducks?

If so, awesome.

Dungeon World / Re: Dungeon World Books (Canada)
« on: March 07, 2013, 06:32:44 PM »
Not sure which way you wanted to be contacted email or PM. So I sent both.

Dungeon World / Re: Forgotten Supplements
« on: February 26, 2013, 08:06:46 AM »
Excellent. I really like the idea of the quirky classes.

Dungeon World / Forgotten Supplements
« on: February 25, 2013, 05:10:38 PM »
I noticed on RPGgeek a few DW items I can't seem to track down anywhere.

I wonder if they can be found free or for sale?

The Villager playbook

Microfronts by Marshall Miller

Compendium 1: Finer Things

Pages: [1]