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Messages - Alejandro

Pages: [1]
Monsterhearts / Re: I could run a Monsterhearts game maybe?
« on: April 30, 2013, 04:04:44 PM »
My only complaint is that it sounds like the game has already been played.

The Regiment / Re: The Regiment: Colonial Marines
« on: February 24, 2013, 09:45:27 PM »
Thanks for the answers.

Only problem I get with it is how they decode the location in this case, if Bolden is not there yet (so nothing to triangulate), and I doubt he just names the exact quadrant during the call...

I guess he had to send the outpost location to the marines.

Obey orders of specialist Bolden

I like this. But I suppose the player chooses his directive, and the GM fill the details, right? May a player change his directive type if the unit is sent to a new mission?

I think the best way for Bolden to get the specimens is through Technician Porter, who has one inside him. Maybe we need a custom move for those times in life when a face-hugger attacks a player character. :)

Rule questions:

1) In the character sheet: What do you write in "Deployment"?
2) In the unit sheet: What do you write in "Theater of Operations"?

I have to read it yet, but it sounds cool. I love the Quarentine, by the way.

I made a kind of "Fallout Playbook" one year ago or so (with rules for energy weapons, super mutans, radiation and drugs) but it's in spanish. Maybe I can find the time to translate it to English.

The Regiment / Re: The Regiment: Colonial Marines
« on: February 23, 2013, 10:17:19 PM »
Hi everybody.

I have some questions regarding the starter mission:

1) What is the purpose of Bolden? How do you use him if he is detained aboard the USS Lincoln and has not access to comms or video during the operation? He wants to retrieve the specimens, right? How can he do that? What is the meaning of the +PATRON BONUS?

2) Why the Phoenix agents want the marines involved in this? How this will help them to recover the stolen specimens? My take is this: I understood that Phoenix Industries has no knowledge of the location of laboratories, and they intercepted the Borden's orders to find out the outpost epsilon real placement. (And THAT's why they started the rebellion.) But then, how could the agents start the rebellion if they did not know where the outpost was located?

3) How does the +INTEL bonus work in game? How does the +MOBILITY bonus work in game? Are just Color?

4) Are the facility security forces and the phoenix spec ops teams woking together, or just the opposite? Was the confrontation between the facility security forces and the phoenix spec ops teams which caused the breach in the xenomorph containment? If the engagement move is failed, is the containment still intact when the marines arrive? Because the spec ops are just behind the marines.

Apocalypse World / Re: Rule suggestion
« on: September 02, 2012, 06:08:32 PM »
While your idea is quite possibly better than mine (noclue), we're both essentially house-ruling it here: you're allowing players to ignore their ability, and roll their initial skill  if they choose to, in contrast to the letter of the ability.

I don't think what noclue said is a house rule in any respect. To do something, you must to say what you are doing. The book explicitly says: "In order for it to be a move and for the player to roll dice, the character has to do something that counts as that move". So, if you are being hot under fire you must to say how hot you are. But maybe you are not being hot right now, just trying to remain cool. So, roll Cool, not Hot.

Monsterhearts / Re: Vampires walking in the sunlight
« on: June 05, 2012, 07:52:53 AM »
Thanks for the answers. I think I'm going to wait until the first session and ask to the other players what they want to do about this issue.

Monsterhearts / Vampires walking in the sunlight
« on: May 31, 2012, 07:33:35 AM »
What if I want that vampires are not able to go outside and walk in the sunlight? I worried about having to go to school. Night school? Just does not sound so good. Maybe vampires are vulnerable to sunlight only during their Darkest Self. That sounds interesting, at least.

What do you think?

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