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Messages - Ron Edwards

Pages: [1]
Murderous Ghosts / Re: Nimer and me
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:28:46 PM »
Annnnd, because I forgot to mention it, the police-ghost attacked Lucas, seizing him and projecting the collective death by suffocation of the policemen at the door.

Sorry about all the follow-up posting; mechanics and details keep occurring to me.

Murderous Ghosts / Re: Nimer and me
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:10:43 PM »
One addition to my #4 comment: before I got to #13, the ghost's response to Lucas was "pity." That was the technical origin of my description of the ghost, in comment #4, as sympathetic.

Best, Ron

Murderous Ghosts / Nimer and me
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:05:53 PM »
Hi Vincent,

Nimer and I played the first playtest version of Murderous Ghosts. I hope this feedback is still relevant. For orientation, Nimer is a long-time role-player with a lot of experience with grassroots RPG design in the German scene; however, that scene doesn't stray far from Shadowrun or Der Schwarze Auge design assumptions, and he hasn't played much of the odder or twosie independent games.

1. We successfully concluded the session without any trouble from the rules and their instructions, although occasionally we clarified to one another what the instructions were: "Now it tells me to tell you to go to #8," or similar phrasing.

2. This was most important at the beginning, especially concerning the difference between "Start" and "#1." It might be useful to include some such instruction as "Wait until the other player tells you where to go" at this point, and perhaps here and there throughout the text, especially when the other player goes to an instruction that provides a "thinking" step and then another page to go to, because the first player is wondering whether he or she is supposed to go somewhere.

3. Nimer, not being familiar with S/Lay w/Me or Cold Soldier (which I *think* are this games' main design influences), rightly pointed out that he needed a little bit more orientation at the beginning, especially in the instruction to choose an emotion given by my description of the room. His problem was not any lack in the description, nor even in the emotion itself (which was immediately obvious to him), but rather what he was doing with it. He wasn't sure if choosing the emotion had anything to do with Lucas (his character's name) or not; i.e., whether this was an emotion that Lucas was now feeling, or which was embedded in his back-story (for instance some issue regarding his grandfather who might have been involved in the situation), or anything like that. I assured him that choosing the feeling was solely about prep information to hand back to me, and nothing to do with Lucas, and he was fine with that, but unsure regarding whether this was the actual meaning of the written rules. His comments struck me as important for all of the twosie games at the early stages of play, and I am considering enhancing the S/Lay w/Me text along these lines.


To summarize for your enjoyment, I hope, here's what happened.

Lucas found himself in the sub-basement of an old factory, which was clearly marked by a savage fire which had never been cleaned out or restored. Ancient ash filled everything, which after so long a time was pretty much merely pervasive, mushy dust. It was a very big room with many tables set in rows. The heavy wooden tables had not been destroyed, but were all scorched, and most of the furniture or furnishings were either unidentifiable or so ruined as to be too delicate to survive inspection. There were two very heavy, substantial, reinforced doors set together to make a big entrance or exit, with a ramp or short staircase leading up to them, with a lot of piled-up refuse or junk in front of them, and no other exits were immediately obvious.

He found he was standing practically on a skeleton half-buried in the ash, between the long edges of two tables. As far as he could tell, the body had sprawled there, rather than being laid out by someone else, and among the frangible and slightly-scattered bones was a heavy pair of industrial shears. The skull featured a bullet hole just above and between the eyes, and the bullet was still rattling inside the cranium when he picked it up. Moving around the room, he found other scattered bones and heavy implements like crowbars. At the doors, he found that the debris was mostly composed of a mass of bodies, at least six, embedded, among all the ash, in remnants of uniforms. He dug around to find several police badges and pistols. He also found the doors had been chained shut on the inside; the chains were still there and rather substantial.

A ghost was trying to get out: a rather life-like, not-insubstantial policemen, suffocating and burning, pulling at the chains in a frenzy, including the horrifying detail that the shears Lucas had seen were stuck into his head, as if they had been stabbed quite far. Lucas retreated in a panic, not stopping into he was inside something and could not hear the chains clanking. Which, as it turned out, was the interior of a very large wardrobe-type piece of furniture, more-or-less a walk-in closet, with two curtain-bars. (I think he'd noted in passing, earlier, that it was riddled with bullet holes.)

There in the dark, he was huddled against a female person, whose hand gripped his hard, whispering to him, "Be brave." In fact, he was among a mass of people crammed into the wardrobe, most of whom were crying out softly in fear, and he could hear the gunfire beginning outside. Now he understood what had happened there, in a garment-workers' strike which had gone very badly wrong for all parties.

... And he died in the dark, shot to death.


All of which brings me to my next comment.

4. I found myself very tempted to ignore an explicit instruction. When Lucas was in the wardrobe among the gunshot-victims, various instructions had led me to #10 (I think) and he was "part of its story." I Eventually I was told to go to #13. the first instruction there is explicit: if the ghost is a victim of violence, which this one definitely was, it murders the character. The instructions at #21 provided the perfect justification, "environmental danger" in this case, i.e., the same thing which killed the victim. The combination of "part of its story" and "environmental danger" allowed me to stay consistent with the sympathetic depiction of the ghost, insofar as "murdering" Lucas represented the terrible trauma of the person's death rather than the ghost actually trying to kill him in a one-on-one way.

The reason I wanted to dodge this explicit instruction was that we were really enjoying playing, and a later instruction in #13 was very attractive: to interpret the ghost as an "unquiet soul," and to move on to "investigate" Lucas via #14. I almost did it. I almost ignored the first sentence of #13 and fudged my reading to go to #14 instead of #21. I really had to grit my teeth to do it by the rules.

The actual outcome was very, very satisfying to both of us, especially because Nimer was exactly at that moment of revelation when he understood the back-story. He said the play-experience was exactly like that of a well-made, deeply emotional short film, and I agree fully from the GM-side. I'm not sure what to do with my own struggle regarding the instructions at #13, except to say that it was quite hard to distinguish between "victim of violence" and "unquiet soul," and to clarify that the first sentence of that instruction is supposed to be utterly binary and not to be compared with the other, later options on that page (at least, that's my interpretation of the "otherwises").

5. Neither of us had any difficulty establishing, enjoying, and riffing upon one another's input into the SIS. Jargon term courtesy of yours truly.

6. Lucas did not at any time attempt to escape, effectively dooming himself. Nimer said that he didn't really see any genuine opportunity to do so, but did not consider this to be a flaw, merely an emergent property of how interesting and scary it was to stay engaged with the immediate surroundings in this particular case.

7. Oh yes, the cards. Nimer's initial draws were very low, thus bringing enjoyably-awful events into beginning play, including the panic which rendered Lucas more-or-less unable to seek escape for a fair amount of time. So he wasn't in much danger of busting through 21, and used a discard-before-draw to avoid it easily at one point.

Best, Ron

Apocalypse World / Re: Playbook: Faceless
« on: August 19, 2010, 08:03:09 AM »
Hey Bret,

It's a long-standing thing in game design to make whatever would be cool narration or personal color for most character types into abilities for one's favorite type. I see this in fantasy games especially. One of the character races is almost always clearly the author's special favorite and receives about 200% the rules-depth compared to the others, as well as being so specific in personality and color that it might as well be a single character.

I expect that for Apocalypse World, one way this might manifest is that it's overwhelmingly tempting to pack the Moves section for any character type that strikes one's fancy. As the person who just proposed an additional Move (as in, right on the sheet, not eventually-invented for advanced play) for the Faceless, I may be guilty of it myself.

But it seems to me an important feature of game design to stay on the near side of the divide between "simple + elegant = emergent in play" vs. "make sure anything that can happen or be said is there as a rules option." This is clearly a very difficult divide to negotiate in Apocalypse World because the rules and narrations are so menu oriented.

If it turned out in play that the effect and ensuing carnage in I'm Right Here emerged from existing rules, without it being used as a Move, then I'd argue strongly for not including it as a Move. I don't know the game well enough, not by miles, to predict either way. To me, though, it seems that Gore-fisted would emerge from the existing rules and would effectively be a narration for an already-existing going-forward bonus in the right circumstances.

It all comes down to play itself, for sure. Without play, I find myself making up more and more that a character type "can do," only because I want to enjoy doing that in play myself, and since I'm not doing it, the only way I can enjoy it is to put it down on paper. With play, though, I can find out whether the coolest stuff I want is actually there to be generated already through the simpler mechanics I already have.

What do you think?

Best, Ron

Apocalypse World / Re: Playbook: Faceless
« on: August 18, 2010, 08:36:21 PM »
Um ... what is s-harm? I don't know the rulebook anywhere near as well as most of you. But I know what "forward" and "ongoing" are, and Vincent just explained "holding" to me too. What's the "s"?
Best, Ron

Apocalypse World / Re: Custom Moves Compendium
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:55:28 AM »
For the Faceless, add to the list: I'm Right Here

I'm thinking about the way the Faceless rises out of the shadows when everyone's looking around for him and of course cannot find him or her.

Tweak mechanics to taste. My untested inclination is that on 10 or better, the player distributes 3 Harm among targets as he or she chooses. 7-9 might be 1 Harm to one target, maybe.

Best, Ron

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