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Messages - C.Jay

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Re: 2nd Edition and Seize by Force (and similar moves)
« on: February 06, 2017, 05:22:28 AM »
Hey, good catch team. I missed that completely. Seize by Force is NOT one of the basic moves in 2e, and there is no stipulation for a GM to make a move on a miss, as there definitely is on the basic moves. Huh.

Now, if she had rolled  a 7, I would say something like "You cut him and flee. As you go past, he swings wildly with that serrated sawblade he's holding. You feel its rusted teeth through the dead guy's jacket. You'd probably be dead without it." And that would be that. But, she rolled a miss, so I make her roll the Harm Move. Is it really too soft on the player with armor? It depends on her Harm roll, but there's a good chance things just got complicated.

You're generous. I'd have no qualms about making them roll the harm move, even on a 10+.  Depending on fictional circumstances, of course.

ps that's not a criticism in any way

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