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Topics - devonapple

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Apocalypse World / Hardholder Generosity
« on: November 30, 2012, 05:19:14 PM »
The Hardholder in my game is a generous dictator. He has offered free rent as a bargaining chip when dealing with his subjects. Recently, he opted to quarantine some plague victims, and their families were understandably pissed that their breadwinners were out of commission. The Hardholder mangnanimously offered two weeks' free rent to those impacted by the quarantine.

Whenever he does this, I tally up how much lost barter this offer would total, and I tell him that he has to find some way to make the numbers work (achieve barter somehow to pay off the deficit) or his Hold is going to start suffering as he can't make ends meet.

Am I being waaaay too picky, or is this a sensible way to play up scarcity and underscore just how costly generosity can be?

Apocalypse World / Am I doing this right? Fire Down Below - front
« on: November 26, 2012, 09:45:28 PM »
IS CALLED: Fire Down Below
DARK FUTURE / AGENDA: Jackson’s town overrun by the Nuka Coil; population turned into Nuka Brood; Nearby missile silo detonation destroys town.
DESCRIPTION & CAST: Sun King, leader of the Nuka Coil

CALLED: Sun King
KIND: Grotesque (Mindfucker)
IMPULSE: craves mastery
DESCRIPTION & CAST: Sun King is the massively mutated leader of the Nuka Coil. His misshapen, radiation-soaked body glows softly with ambient radiation. His lumpy, day-glo head wriggles with cancerous, snaky polyps, like a Medusa with dry slugs instead of snakes. His tainted brainmeats allow him to fuck with peoples’ minds.
CUSTOM MOVE: When the Sun King focuses on you, he can fuck with your mind: roll+weird. On a 10+, you manage to keep your shit together. On a 7-9, choose two of the following:

  • you drop your weapon
  • you fall to the ground
  • you take 1-harm (ap)
  • the Sun King gets to ask you one question from the Brainer list

On a failure, the MC picks three of these.

CALLED: Nuka Brood
KIND: Brute (Hunting Pack)
IMPULSE: to victimize and kidnap anyone vulnerable
DESCRIPTION & CAST: Nuke Brood recruiting parties
CUSTOM MOVE: Nuka Brood operate as a gang of 5-12 members; 1-armor, with fists and weapons equivalent to 2-harm. Someone needs to roll+weird when engaging a Nuka Brood (if the Hardholder or Chopper’s gang is engaging, the PC in charge rolls this). On a 10+, there is nothing out of the ordinary. On a 7-9, the MC chooses one gang upgrade from the Hardholder list. On a fail, the MC chooses two.

CALLED: Nuka Coil Compound
KIND: Landscape (Breeding Pit)
IMPULSE: to generate Nuka Brood
DESCRIPTION & CAST: The Nuka Coil Compound is the lair of the Sun King. Once an abandoned nuclear missile silo, this hot mess is a nest of mutated soldiers and random “recruits” from the surrounding wasteland. Numerous levels filled with corridors, sealed chambers, and military salvage would make this a profitable scavenging ground, were it not for the radiation and the threat of becoming one of the Nuka Brood.
CUSTOM MOVE: Simply spending time in the Nuka Coil compound will warp your body and sap your will. Roll+cool at the start of each day in the Nuka Coil compound. On a 10+, you can choose one of the following:

  • Learn a little more about the Sun King's domain: ask one question off the Read a Sitch question list
  • Discover 1-barter worth of old military tech, fuel, ammunition, or other resources

On a 7-9 you'll make it through the day, maybe only puking once or losing a few hairs. On a Miss, the MC holds 1 and can spend it 1-for-1 to:

  • Radiation poisoning – You take 1-harm (ap).
  • Whispers in your mind – you are acting under fire at all times until you can escape the Nuka Coil or the Sun King’s influence. The fire is the Sun King focusing on you.

The MC can spend holds 2-for-1 to:

  • Mutation – take a debility as the radiation warps your body. -1
  • Insanity – you need to roll+sharp to do anything of your own volition (you are also acting under fire); you can still be rescued and rehabilitated, but you are in no position to help yourself.

Once you have suffered at least 3 of the other effects, the MC can spend a hold 1-for-1 to:

  • Become a Nuka Brood – You are beyond hope of recovery without massive surgical and technological intervention.

CALLED: Nuclear Annihilation
KIND: Landscape (Breeding Pit)
IMPULSE: to detonate and destroy this area of the wasteland
DESCRIPTION & CAST: The Nuka Coil Compound has a lone nuclear missile in its launch bay, still operational, and leaking radiation.
CUSTOM MOVE: Trying to disarm the nuclear missile requires 1-barter worth of random tech shit and a successful tech monkey. When trying to disarm the bomb, roll+sharp. On a 10+, you disarm the missile completely, and spend 1-barter of resources. On a 7-9, you disarm the missile, but you must pick one from the following list:
  • You spend 2-barter in resources instead.
  • You take 1-harm (ap) from a radiation burn.
  • You had to scavenge a component from a prized piece of hi-tech equipment. It’s gone.

On a Fail, you detonate the missile, but have time to leave. The town gets irradiated, but you can evacuate everyone. They will be plenty pissed though.

Apocalypse World / Am I doing this right? Coral bees - threat
« on: November 26, 2012, 09:39:41 PM »
Coral Bees

These pigeon-sized pink- and beige-hued flying insects are covered in a rough exoskeleton. When they sting or bite, they can leave behind some coral-like fragments which grow in the skin, causing a painful infection that will eventually poison the victim.

Fighting Coral Bees
Whenever you engage in combat with a coral bee hive, Roll+Sharp. On a 10+, you manage to avoid getting infected; on a 7-9, choose one of the following:
  • take 1-harm (ap) but start the Infection countdown at 0 (see below)
  • take 0-harm, but start the Infection countdown at 3
On a failure, you have a serious infection: start the Infection countdown clock at 6.

Coral Infection Clock
3: just a scratch
6: just a scratch: some itchiness on the skin
9: just a scratch: some pus-filled growths on the skin
10: coral takes root: pink coral growths appear on skin near infected area
11: blood poisoning; dark lines surrounding calcified pink growths
12: dead: body eventually becomes a pile of pink coral that sprouts more coral bees

Once Infected
At the start of every session, Roll+Weird. On a 10+, you have a one-week remission - roll again next week. On a 7-9, the infection doesn't advance - check again next session. On a failure, the infection advances on the Coral Infection Clock countdown clock.

Treating a victim
When you use an angel kit to treat someone, Roll+stock spent:
10+: you successfully cut out the infection: they’ll recover fully in a day or two
7-9: pick one:
  • You’ll have to chemostab the hell out of them: spend 1-stock more and you’ve treated it, or else you’ve wasted your effort.
  • You had to cut it out of them: deal 1-harm (ap); but you bought them some time: they roll the "Once Infected" move again in a week.
Fail:  there's nothing you can do for them: it is rooted too deep. They will die painfully and possibly spawn more coral bees.

Apocalypse World / Help: Breaking Orthodox Inhibitions and Getting Bloody
« on: November 14, 2012, 01:34:52 PM »
The MC guidelines are fantastic advice, and I have read through them numerous times. They make sense to me on an intellectual level.

When I run my game, I find that am still strangled by inhibitions when I MC (or I'm just really bad at improvising). I feel like Jack Skellington experimenting on Christmas to see what makes it tick.

For those of you who didn't get it at first but struggled to become good MCs:

What tools, mechanisms, techniques or watchwords really snapped you out of the rut of orthodox GMing and into the game of putting your bloody fingerprints on everything?

Apocalypse World / Newbie Rules Questions
« on: November 13, 2012, 12:15:49 PM »
I have a few situations coming up consistently and I hoped folks could check me on these.

I assume when a Brainer wants to tag someone with his implant injectors during a firefight, that I am simply having him "act under fire" to get it done? Or is that a "seize by force" moment? Or is that a "he wants to do what?" moment?

I am ruling that they can use their Angel kits on themselves, but I didn't get an idea of how messed up they can get before self-treatment is no longer an option. In the book, an NPC limps over for help at 9 on his countdown clock. I'm not sure if I should allow that at 10 or 11, though.

I also opted to allow the other PCs to "Help" him give himself first aid - alright, or way too generous?

Also, can an Angel accelerate his own healing if he is at 6? Or should he just rely on the benefit that PCs at 6 or under can erase a step on the clock every session or so, MC's generosity willing.

Healing Touch: it probably goes without saying that you can't heal yourself. However, if an Angel using Healing Touch rolls 7-9 (at which time he heals the step, but is said to be doing so under fire), what do I do if he fails the "acting under fire" roll? Just make things really bad for him? Or does that make the Healing Touch fail as well?

Infirmary: if an Angel is grievously wounded, can the PCs take the Angel back to his assistants to be patched up?

Reload: can a PC just drop a machine gun after he empties a clip into some raiders, then draw and fire another weapon? It looks awesome on screen, of course, and it makes sense, but is that milking the system? Should I reserve the option to say his shit breaks?

Apocalypse World / One NPC, Multiple Threat Types
« on: November 12, 2012, 05:37:11 PM »
I have an NPC antagonist who fulfills multiple threat types. Since I'm giving it mind powers, I'm going to go with my gut and call it a Mindfucker, even though it is a radioactive Mutation that is forming a Cult of mutants made from people it has irradiated and broken mentally. .

I suspect the Threat types are meant to be good inspiration, providing a handy shorthand for developing threats, not a means of constraining and limiting Threats. As such, I'm happy to go with the most pertinent threat type.

However, should this be a symptom that I'm making the NPC too complicated, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Or should I perhaps be giving each means of threat its own place in the Front?

Apocalypse World / Horses in the Wasteland?
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:23:57 PM »
Had my first Apocalypse World game last night. Had a few hiccups, but folks had fun anyway.

There was a bit of discussion over whether or not there would be horses in the setting. My impression is no: not enough greenery around in this post-apocalyptic setting. Cars and mysteriously unevaporated gasoline? yes.

But then again, why not?

Has anyone else incorporated horses in their setting? How did it work out? Did it introduce some additional wrinkles?

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