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Topics - dodonna

Pages: [1]
Dungeon World / Please critique my move
« on: December 18, 2012, 01:07:17 PM »
I'm planning to run DW for the first time in the not-too-distant future, and was mulling over a possible dungeon-specific move. I want to run an adventure that's deliberately old-school, and came up with this, inspired by the classic text adventure Zork:

When you find yourself in total darkness, roll + WIS. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1.

  • You recall to your delight that you stuffed a torch into a little-used pocket or pouch, and light it.
    As you grope around in the dark, you discover a hidden feature or object.
    You are not eaten by a grue.

Does that work? The penalty for a 6- is thematically appropriate, but it's also extreme...essentially a save vs. death. And, of course, if you roll a 7-9, you really don't have a choice unless you like being eaten by a grue. Would it be better to make it "choose 3" on a 10+ and "choose 2" on a 7-9; or to change the last option to "A grue does not attempt to eat you?"

Dungeon World / Newbie questions about custom moves
« on: November 21, 2012, 03:38:02 PM »
I'm tentatively planning to run my first DW session sometime during the holidays, but am still uncertain about a few things.

When do you inform players about custom moves? Take, for example, the "When you open a sewer hatch..." move on page 347 of the rulebook. Would you tell them about that when they enter the sewers, or when they first attempt to open a hatch?

When creating a custom move, may I assume that the only time I need to worry about coming up with a list of 10+, 7-9, etc. results is if the move would be triggered by a character's deliberate action?

With that out of the way, could you tell me whether the following might be a valid custom move? I'm thinking of running a session based loosely on the old D&D B1 module "In Search of the Unknown," and I thought the Room of Pools would be a good place for one.

When you drink from one of the pools, roll + WIS (not sure if it should be WIS or CON). On a 10+, choose 1. On a 7-9, choose 1, but the water has a secondary effect that the GM will tell you about. On a miss, the GM will tell you what happens.
  • Heal 1d6 damage.
  • Take +1 ongoing to hack and slash until the next time you make camp.
  • See in your mind's eye the location of the nearest treasure.
(These are just placeholders. There may be more/other options.)

Does that work? What if someone else drank from the same pool? (The pools in the original module had different effects, but they weren't random.) Would you need a "When you drink from the same pool..." move?

Dungeon World / Gen Con Indy?
« on: June 14, 2012, 05:31:30 PM »
Will Dungeon World be represented at Gen Con Indy? I just bought my four-day pass, and was hoping to be able to try out the game there. Doesn't look as if there are any scheduled events.

Upgraded my Kickstarter support to the $25 level. Looking forward to the softcover and all of the other goodness!

Dungeon World / Newbie spellcaster question
« on: June 05, 2012, 11:20:56 PM »
Just learned about Dungeon World yesterday, and have been looking over the Beta document. I like much of what I've read so far, but am seeking clarification on one thing.

Spellcasters prepare spells whose total levels equal their own level+1. So, just to be clear, if a 9th Level Wizard selects a 9th Level spell, he/she also may take only one 1st Level spell? Is that the trade-off for not (necessarily) forgetting spells? Or is the intention that a spellcaster can prepare spells multiple times per day? I'm looking at this through an old-school D&D prism, and so I'm trying to wrap my head around what seems at first glance like a wizard with far less firepower than even the Vancian casters of old.

Not a criticism, just trying to get a feel for the material.

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