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Topics - moranensis

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Rule Question : When life becomes untenable...?
« on: January 26, 2017, 04:07:15 AM »
2nd ed of apocalypse world says that when the PC's harm countdown hits 12:00, the players have the 4 options to choose.
and then all of the playbook contain harm countdown and "when life becomes untenable" option list.

Playbooks, seem like once PC chose one of those option, next time her life becomes untenable again, she couldn't choose that option because she already you checked it off. however, I couldn't find any kind of statement on rulebook.
Is it stackable? PC can choose the option she already choose? of course not dying twice. come back with +1weird twice or come back with -1hard three times. I hope they couldn't

One more thing, if you should check the options off, when changing to a new playbook-untenable,improvement whatever-, Do "everything belonging to her" include checked "when life becomes untenable" option list?

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