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Topics - ZombieAcePilot

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / The Rich Tag
« on: January 15, 2017, 06:06:20 AM »
One option for the Chopper's gang is to gain the +Rich tag. What does this do to the chopper's need to pay upkeep costs or ability to earn jingle? As leader of a rich gang, I can't really see the chopper being in the same position (earnings or expenses) as other less fortunate gang's. That said, I don't think they are like the Maestro'd in that I don't think they can sit around and just have the jingle roll in, so I'm leaning towards more productive gigs.

What are everyone's thoughts?

Apocalypse World / Chopper Bikes
« on: January 13, 2017, 05:23:45 AM »
So I'm looking at playing a chopper and I have no clue what some of these terms mean or refer to. I'm hoping you can all shed some light on them for me.

Strengths (choose 1 or 2): fast, rugged, aggressive, tight, huge, responsive.
What does being aggressive or tight do as a strength?

Looks (choose 1 or 2): sleek, vintage, massively chopped, roaring, fat-ass, muscular, fashy, luxe.
Is roaring even a look? I could see that being a weakness (they can hear you coming from 3 miles away).

Weakness (choose 1): slow, sloppy, guzzler, skinny, bucking, lazy, unreliable.
What does it mean to be sloppy, skinny, bucking, or lazy?

How do any of these things matter, other than in descriptive terms? Choosing to have a fast bike doesn't actually help its speed at all (taking the +1 speed battle bonus does that). I can see some of the weaknesses coming up, such as guzzler or unreliable (because running out of gas and not starting when you need to go are two bad things). What about the rest of it? I'm most interested in knowing what all the weaknesses are and what (if anything) the strengths actually do.

Thank in advance!

P.S. If you are interested in joining the group (I am not the MC), this is the link to our Roll20 LFG listing:
We play @5PM PST on Mondays, weekly.

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