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Topics - 5sola

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The Sprawl / Help on first game
« on: November 04, 2014, 02:36:09 PM »
I posted this on the G+ community but thought I would repost it here too.

Tonight I will be running my first game of the playtest doc (kickstarter version) and something struck me. I plan to run the Kirosawa extraction for a one shot that could lead to an ongoing game.
I am considering the twist being an opposing group of runners.

When the characters "mix it up" trying to eliminate a enemy using their fabulous gear, they do harm to the NPC, how do I apply that to the NPCs? There are no "monster stats" for opposing forces. Do I just pick a random number and when that is reached then they have been dispatched? I know the combat isnt just a kill everything but how do i gauge how they ar doing vs their enemies? Are their any guidelines?

I have played in a lot of AW style games but have only run dungeon world so maybe that has tainted my thinking :-)
Some guidance would be appreciated

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