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Topics - MisterOwl

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Apocalypse World / Question about rolling...while under fire
« on: August 13, 2014, 03:33:15 AM »
Hey all! Just found out about AW a few weeks back--basically have just been reading about it since!

I've got a question, though. On Page 244, you can find this rule: "When someone uses specialty gear they aren't accustomed to — a non-angel using an angel kit, a non-brainer using brainer gear — it’s reasonable to say that it counts as acting under fire."

Does this mean that there would be two rolls for the player attempting to use the gear? One to act under fire, then one +stock spent to use the Angel kit? If so, how would you narrate that situation? If they get a weak hit on the under fire roll, would you place restrictions on what they can accomplish on their healing roll? What happens on a miss? Can they not even attempt a healing roll now?

I appreciate your input in advance. I've read through a large portion of Barf Forth, and you guys are truly inspiring. I cannot wait to play with my friends!

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