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Apocalypse World / AP: My first campaign in AW
« on: June 09, 2014, 05:18:29 AM »
So this campaign started slow but we adapted pretty quick so far and I think it's going much better so I might keep up with posting these logs here as it progresses.  I'm going to paste the first two session logs that I posted in the help thread here first and then continue from there.

I just started my first AW campaign with my group who have never played AW before either.  I am a huge fan of this system after looking at it in detail and listening to an AP podcast of a campaign.   I think it is very well suited to making campaigns that are focused on story, character development, and relationships rather than kick in the door and kill things.  My goal is to create a campaign that slowly explores and develops the players characters by forcing them into interesting and complicated situations by creating conflict.  I am absolutely not going to railroad them at any point but subtly guide them towards things.  The plan is to introduce NPCs and events to create that interesting conflict and character interaction.

I obviously do not expect you to listen to it all but if you want as a point of reference I am aiming for something similar to I Podcast Magic Missle Apocalypse World actual play.

As a bit of reference I will tell you that my group has played D&D for years and not much else.  The analogy I use is that all of our previous campaigns are Lord of the Rings, a group of adventurers band together(whether they like it or not) to journey on a quest.  This campaign should be more of a Game of Thrones, a cast of characters all of separate goals and motivations which they act upon causing conflict.  As such they have some ingrained habits that I feel I have to break.  They tend to focus on optimizing their stats a lot and min-max a little.  We have previously delved into more serious character development and roleplaying but have not played a game focused on it.  Also they are used to always being in a party and tend to get inattentive and bored when the characters are not together even if I frequently cut between the groups of characters.  Most of our characters in the past when you really think about it have been sociopaths with not a huge amount of human emotion and no remorse.  Many of these issues I have dealt with pretty well I think already and I think my group has the capacity to adapt and really enjoy this system if I can execute it well enough and frankly I am kind of worried about that because I really like the system and would like to play it more but if i do not convince them then I would have to find an additional group to play with.

With the first session I tried to create interesting conflicts that would involve multiple PCs as well as help us examine and learn more about the characters as we played through them and I think I did a fairly good job of that at the beginning but as the session progressed I lost some steam and stopped the session early to give me time to work on things before we continued.  So here are my concerns that I could use some advice on to help me up my game a little.

- I found myself using the same descriptive words for NPCs and using very similar voices for them culminating in them not feeling unique
     -this will obviously lead my PCs to not think of them as characters but targets to shoot or quest givers
     -I need to be able to come up with NPCs that are unique and interesting

-I need the plotlines to create interesting motivation for each character
-Also they should cross over at times so that PCs may switch from one to another (Difficult)
        -thus they can interact with all the other PCs
        - I can think of ways to do this for the climax of the story but not before

-conflicts need to seem to be able to be solved by multiple methods
         -so that PCs do not solve every problem with shooting all the things
         -Need to still be challenging

Any advice you guys have would be much appreciated because I really want my players to enjoy this.

P.S. Sorry for the wall of text

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