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Topics - cmarken

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Artful and Gracious to stop brewing mob?
« on: October 09, 2013, 03:08:58 AM »
A situation came up during yesterdays play. Our brainer was doing a speech in front of the holdning on the behalf of the hardholder (who is now an NPC). The audience is not very fond of the brainer at all and have started calling her witch and other bad things, rightfully i might add.

So, the during her speech the audience is getting more and more agitated. And I describe how some people are staring to pick up rocks and stuff to throw. I'm just about to describe how the rocks get thrown when the skinner who is on the stage but in the background jumps in front of the brainer and start to play a tune on his fiddle. He claims he performs Artful and Gracious.

Do you think this is an ok application of the move? When I look at the results from the move all of them are about influencing individuals and not controlling a  brewing mob. The move I'd say is more applicable is the Hocus move Frenzy, but it wasn't available to the skinner.

Should I have done the setup differently as MC to avoid this situation at all?

Apocalypse World / Is harm suffered by gangs cumulative during combat?
« on: September 22, 2013, 05:01:34 PM »
During our session yesterday a question came up about how gangs take harm.

The PC's gang was doing a prolonged battle and the opposing gang managed to do 1-harm four times before they where defeated. We did describe some of the people getting killed but one of the PC's felt like the harm done their gang didn't correspond with it taking a total of 4-harm ("widespread serious injuries, many fatalities").

So, is 1-harm x 4 = 4-harm?

I'm currently running an AW-campaign set in the Swedish archipelago where the Zombies roam the earth. I do however have some problems with how to handle the fights between the PC:s and the Z's. The Z's in this campaign are on about the same danger level as the ones in walking dead.

1:st situation, Hardholders leadership roll:
Charles, the hardholder is leader for a large boy scout camp at an island. One night a group of Zombies float ashore and the alarm is raised. The boy scouts have to defend their camp!

The defending gang is small with 2-harm and 1-armor in total. I decided to class the 30-ish zombies as a 1-harm 1-armor small gang.

Charles rolls and make a solid 10+ hit. He chooses to make a hard advance. In this case I choose to let them drive the zombies into the sea thanks to good discipline and a tight spear formation. No one in the boy scouts where harmed.

Should I have traded harm for harm here?
Should I have zoomed more into the action and played the battle out?

2:nd situation, Battlebabe seizes some zombies by force
After the situation above Charles the hardholder sends some of his gang + his friend Mike the battlebabe to go and get material to reinforce the palisade of the hardhold.

However, the warehouse with the material is blocked by another group of Z:s. I decide they are "a few" with 1-harm and 1-armor. The battlebabe tells the boy scouts to stay back an draws his katana and seizes the entrance by force.

He hits a 10+ and we trade harm for harm. He takes 2-harm due to size difference but his 2-armor makes him take 0-harm. He kills the Z:s off and make a good show for the boy scouts. He doesn't take harm or make any more rolls.

Some thoughts

I'm not sure if I even should handle the Z:s as gangs when the PC:s encounters them. If I should, what do you think appropriate stats as for groups of Z:s?
Maybe I should create a few custom moves to handle battle with Z:s one on one and groups of them?

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