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Messages - Jerry Skold

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Re: AP ammo against vehicles and gangs in a hardhold
« on: January 17, 2017, 04:31:42 AM »
Is this actually the case, though? I´ve been in three different AW groups, and in each one this has been discussed a lot, and there has been hesitation of how to handle it. Is there a reference or is this simply a "common sense" reading (which is not a bad thing in itself, note, but it doesn´t help my specific Battlebabe situation).

Apocalypse World is a fiction first game, if something doesn't make sense in the fiction (like AP ammo making you inexplicably worse at dodging), it's probably the wrong way to do things  mechanically, too.

But no, I have no actual rules citation or anything. It's just my opinion on how things should function.

Gotcha. I guess I was considering it in a more mechanical design-space kinda mindset, like "is it okay that one Move pick gets to basically shut down out another advantage" and getting uncomfortable with that. I like your interpretion way better, though, and it certainly fits with the fiction-first principle (that I thought I had down by now, argh!).

Battlebabe dressed mostly in tattoos, here we go! :)

Apocalypse World / Re: AP ammo against vehicles and gangs in a hardhold
« on: January 17, 2017, 02:57:01 AM »
That's sort of an MC call, reallt.

IMO, gang size reduces damage normally even vs. AP ammo, as do the various Moves that give non-physical armor (like Impossible Reflexes)... *snip*

Is this actually the case, though? I´ve been in three different AW groups, and in each one this has been discussed a lot, and there has been hesitation of how to handle it. Is there a reference or is this simply a "common sense" reading (which is not a bad thing in itself, note, but it doesn´t help my specific Battlebabe situation).

It is so cool to see this project continue! I´ve been thinking about it now and then since you mentioned it was going to happen, and it is a serious undertaking to tackle the grammatical style of the original game and try to make it work in Swedish. Kudos.

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