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Messages - ecz

Pages: [1]
Dungeon World / Invisibility Spell
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:00:05 PM »
A question arises during our DW PBF
can a Wizard mantain active Invisibility (or any other spell) if he's sleeping?

I know that tecnically sleeping is not in the list of the events that end the spell, but perhaps Magic in DW requires constant concentration and a sleeping wizard cannot concentrate on the spell.

Dungeon World / Re: Rules Question
« on: April 20, 2013, 01:34:59 PM »
nice idea, a custom move.

Question: and who rolls?
the best WIS?
everyone in the group?
after you describe the scene and the players react, the one is closer to the action?
one Character at random? (my take).

I would like see in future an "economic system" for Fantasy economy.
A larger "equipment list". More objects, services, things related to economy (taxes, money lenders, banks)  and rules to search, buy and sell objects.
Also rules for Guilds could be helpful. Why a Guild? what offers you? how much it costs?

also it would be useful a "table of jobs" with risks, employment moves, incomes, live expenses for each class.

Not always the PC are down in the dungeons, a 360/degrees RPFG needs rules for when adventurers are not available for active missions. Sometime happens a group needs a month of rest in Babbakesh and the Ranger could work as guide or scout for the Army, the Thief could join a local criminal gang, the Warrior could work as bodyguard or serve in the "Militia" for a few weeks. Just make a couple of rolls and see what happens, how much coins are gained, if there are "incidents".

Dungeon World / Re: rule question about invisibility
« on: April 06, 2013, 10:33:01 PM »
same question arises for the Paladin's move "lay on hands".

Can he heal himself?

I think yes, given the answer above about Wizard and Invisibility cast on himself.
Thanks in advance

Dungeon World / Re: rule question about invisibility
« on: March 29, 2013, 10:27:35 AM »
Sure. The wizard is his own ally (unless there's some weird mind control going on or something) and he can touch himself.

Dungeon World / rule question about invisibility
« on: March 28, 2013, 04:35:10 PM »
can the wizard cast invisibility on himself?

I guess not ( "Touch an ally" ) but someone in my group disagrees.

Dungeon World / Ritual Magic, how it works
« on: February 24, 2013, 10:04:47 AM »
My wizard, in the campaign I'm running, started to ask me (thr GM) how to implement Ritual Magic during adventures.

correct me if I'm wrong:

Ritual magic is something that should be not allowed during a combat to cast a brand new spell, I suppose. In fact whatever the cost is it cannot be paid here and now by the wizard.

I think instead that if the prep has been done in advance and all the cost have been paid, it can be used also during a combat.


Wizard: "dear GM I want to create a spell to summon a lion that acts like a men-at arms with the following rules : a)... b)... and c)... what I need"?

GM: "ok, wizard, it seems doable, perhaps c) should be instead .... In any case you have to  kill real lions before each summoning.  For each lion killed and 1-hour ritual (done  when you kill the beast) you get one free summoning . You can instantly cast the summon, even during a melee. NO DR is required. But tell us where did you seen lions. And more specifically, how do you know what a lion is?

Wizard: " I know a dwarf merchant trading in esotic animals, Zbirk "Mineralheart(h)". He had a few jungle beasts to sell one month ago, included two lions that  showed me. I Could search him and kill his animals to start the ritual, if their price is unfair...
Then I'll make the ritual and will gain two "one-shot" summon lion spells. No DR is requested for ritual magic, so they can appear in the middle of the melee when I think I'm in trouble. Correct?

GM: " well, I'll prepare something for this. Yes, no DR once the magic is prepared in advance.  Zbirk lives at Babbakesh, the coastal city at the border of the East. You need a three-days trip. Do you make the trip now? if Yes, alone or the Party follows you? Or do you wait for to resolve the quest vs the Necromancer before? Any day of delay could mean the lions are sold or other...
and so on.

does all the above fit with the rules? is it correct? possible?

Dungeon World / hirelings and death
« on: February 20, 2013, 07:07:41 PM »
If I understand, in the rules hirelings are treated  like animate objects. They give bonuses to their users: + damage, + armor, + DRM when rolling for moves and so on...

They do not need equipment and HP because everything about them is virtual and they act via standardized actions.

could they possibly die if fiction calls for their death?
could they possibly die during a bloody fight after a few "man-at-arm" moves resulting in a  "they take the brunt" effect? (they did not flee before because they passed one or more  loyalty check).
I believe the hireling's death - although not mentioned in the rules - is not prohibited.

Besides some evil Character could also kill them during the night to avoid  the payment for the job, or just to steal their swords (or any hand weapon they could have).
Is it all above possible, legal, doable, and in the spirit of the game or hirelings are immortal according the rules as they are written ?

The downside of the longsword, battleaxe, and flail is simply that they're heavier and cost more coin.  They're still one-handed weapons.

Yes, now I agree they are really one-handed, but I think this unbalances things a little.
The extra cost is negligible, less than a week of work as "unskilled" labourer.
I believe that in any weapon list should  be impossible to find a weapon "clearly better" than others. The downsides should always balance the advantages and players should struggle to find out the "better weapon" never getting the final answer... But my criticism  is really soft, and it involves just a detail, this game is a blast! I won't change anything in the weapon list. Probably I'll add new T-H weapons ( Greatsword, Great Axe, Great Flail, with new tags  to balance and justify the new weapons) as suggested in the rules.

Dungeon World / Re: NPCs as help for Characters
« on: February 18, 2013, 07:06:27 PM »
very useful, thanks.

Dungeon World / Re: NPCs as help for Characters
« on: February 18, 2013, 04:55:29 AM »
(...) treat then as Monsters, just Monsters that are directed as allies of the PCs.
but ordinarily  monsters react to the Moves of the players. how can they react to other monsters ?

Dungeon World / NPCs as help for Characters
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:36:16 PM »
I would have a suggestion from you...

It often happens in my games that a friendly NPC helps the party giving for free a few of cannon fodder. For example the Captain send two soldiers  to join the party to lead the horses, or drive the cart, or make some specialistic job, or just as extra swords. 

They are not hired, they are not directly under the leadership of any player, they have specific orders coming from their Captain. Thus they are moved by the GM.
They may have a customized move for the main task, but how I can manage their actions during a combat?  Do I need  customized moves for combat?


Dungeon World / one question about weapon list and one about alignment
« on: February 16, 2013, 10:02:54 PM »
hi all,
first of all I would say that I'm a DW enthusiast and have already started a campaign after just a few days after  I got my pdf. Thus I'm obviously a DW newbie although I have played RPG for decades as player and as GM  ( TFT, GURPS, Warhammer, Runequest ) .

now my questions:
are the longsword, the battleaxe and the flail two-handed weapons despite the lack of the Two-Handed tag in the weapon list?
I would say yes, for the integrity of the system:  if not where are the classic T-H weapon always included in all RPGs? if not why one should  ever use a shortsword that makes less damage and has the same range of a long sword?

the answer is very important because implies also the possible use or not  of the shield at the same time of a long weapon.   

the second question  is probably a very stupid one, (apologies in advances) I think the doubt is due to the fact we are not English mothertongue.

In the Alignment of the Fighter sheet, under the "Good" line, is written " Defend those weaker than you". Well, does this mean literally "make a Defend Move to protect someone weaker (= with less strength) than you " OR - as I guess- I must take this obligation not literally and  the Good Fighter gains his Experience acting to protect someone weak needing help, for example hiding a poor peasant pursued by the evil tax collector of the king? 

Same in the Ranger Character, under the "Good" line. To gain the experience is really needed to help an animal (clearly identified), or is possible an action more creative and indirect, like for example kill an evil and unscrupulous animal trainer?
This is an actions that does not protect "an" animal, but "animals". I guess it should be still legal (possibly better than helping  one single animal), but someone insists that the  commandment must be followed strictly...

In other words, and sorry again if the question is silly, must the player literally follow the instruction, OR (as I guess) the phrases under the allignment are just suggestions,  portray the general picture,  and the action of the player can be different if it tends to the same result (GM decides) ? 



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