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Messages - pastorlindhardt

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This is absolutely brilliant!
We are by no means a new group, but I can't wait to try these out nonetheless. Thx :D

This is awesome!

Apocalypse World / Re: Hi-powered/3-round burst - Question (error?)
« on: April 01, 2017, 05:01:35 PM »
Yeah, the rules obviously contradict themselves. My gut would also be to go with the playbook, if for no other reason then because, that´s the part of the rules most accessible to the players. But I´m sure it won´t break the game if you decide to go with what you like best.

And for the record: I don´t interpret high-powered as a choice: If you add it to a weapon with the close tag, it gets close/far, and if you add it to a weapon with the far tag, it gets +1-harm (making your rifle shoot more powerfully doesn´t add to its ability up close). So functionally equivalent to adding a scope.
Again though: It probably won´t ruin anything if you allow the choice.

Apocalypse World / Re: Hi-powered/3-round burst - Question (error?)
« on: April 01, 2017, 03:10:41 AM »
When you say you looked in the book, do you mean 1st or 2nd edition? Cause my 2nd ed says the same as the playbook (pdf p. 28): high powered is either close/far or +1-harm at far.
3-round burst is just +1-harm.

So if you add high-powered to a pistol, it gains the tag close/far, but if you add it to a rifle, it gains +1-harm.
Did that answer your question?

Vincent, what's your take on "interfering" on an opposed "Seize" roll? Both make the rolls as they wish, it being a valid option for any PC? If so, what happens on a miss? Or does it require some specific fictional positioning, or some other kind of tradeoff?

Paul, I'm obviously not Vincent, but one easy hard move if the players fail to interfere is to turn the move back on them: they give the other PC a +1/+2 to their roll.
A harsher (depending on circumstances) hard move could be to take away their stuff: Wolf, you failed your interfere, and Snow manages to knock your knife out of your hand. You do 1-harm instead of 2-harm in the exchange of harm.

We usually don't do mutual interference when two PC's fight because of the extra roll (my players don't like to roll a lot of dice for some reason), but I never disallow it

Vincent, just a minor technical question: the 1-harm blow through (instead of the possible 2-harm) is because of Gremlins armor from Daredevil, yes?

Apocalypse World / Re: ANGEL: Sixth Sense + Healing Touch
« on: March 20, 2017, 05:48:38 PM »
What Ebok said above is very important, IME. Never change anything without the groups blessing

Apocalypse World / Re: ANGEL: Sixth Sense + Healing Touch
« on: March 20, 2017, 07:49:41 AM »
As you said, by the letter the Angel wouldn't be allowed to use sharp for healing touch (or any other character move), but if your group likes the idea, I wouldn't have any qualms about making a small house rule to that effect. I don't think it would ruin anything.

In general: if it makes you happy, you should do it.

Apocalypse World / Re: Disciplined Engagement - Quarantine
« on: March 19, 2017, 09:52:17 AM »
Kitsunin, I don't usually track harm to npcs, gangs and vehicles as cumulative, no, so in my games shooting off two pinkies probably wouldn't constitute 2-harm. I view the harm clocks for npcs, gangs and vehicles as cues and descriptors for the MC, and so they are very different from PC's harm clocks, which tracks a cinematic style of harm (the shotgun blast grazed you, but the knife coming after went right into your gut).

That said, if you have doghead on the ground and you're just punching and punching and punching, then sure, I'll let the harm accumulate

Apocalypse World / Re: Hardholder's Vehicles
« on: March 07, 2017, 11:47:59 AM »
You're welcome!
I should add, that I don't usually count harm to gangs and vehicles as cumulative; so a gang suffering 3 harm from two different sources doesn't suffer 6 harm, but rather 3 harm twice (so something like 4 harm which is still really bad!).

Also I agree completely with Ebok with regards to fiction first. If all a gang has is specifically small arms, they won't be able to touch a tank for example.

Let us know how your test goes!

Apocalypse World / Re: Hardholder's Vehicles
« on: March 06, 2017, 06:51:14 PM »
I must admit that I haven't actually played a lot of battles involving both gangs and vehicles, but I've thought a lot about how I would do it:
I think I'd have the vehicles (including the gang members inside them) count separately from the main gangs that are fighting, as if they are themselves separate gangs (though counting as a guy or two with regards to the math) involved in the fighting.

Like so:
Gang A has 30 guys (medium, 2-harm, 1-armor), a pickup with 1-armor and a .50 cal (5-harm, area), and a semi with 2-armor and spikes (7-harm ap). They are going up against Gang B, (large, 3-harm, 0-armor).
Gang A suffers 3-harm, the pickup suffers 5-harm and the semi suffers 4-harm. Gang B suffers 1-harm from Gang A, 5-harm from the pickup's .50 cal (or 2-harm, depending on how large an area they are spread out across) and 4-harm (ap) from the semi ramming them.

Of course the actual battle might go very differently depending on rolls, tactics and a lot of other factors. The above example is just to show how I would do the math.

If Gang A belongs to a PC, I'd have her roll for the gang, the pickup and the semi separately. If Gang B belongs to a PC, I'd probably just have her roll once and apply the +/-harm to all enemies. Again depending entirely on conrete actions, tactics etc.

Apocalypse World / Re: 2nd Edition and Seize by Force (and similar moves)
« on: February 21, 2017, 04:59:31 AM »
Ebok, no one is disputing your right to play the game the way you want to - if you like hard moves on misses, more power to you. It obviously doesn't break anything.

However it does seem clear from the text that in 2nd the only hard part of missing a sbf is suffering harm and only getting to choose 1 option, see the example about Marie on page 168-169.
And regarding Munins argument, that the book tells us to make hard moves on all misses, well that simply doesn't seem to be the case.
First of, the book directs the MC to make as hard and direct a move as she likes on a miss. And while I agree that artful and gracious is an exception in that it states explicitly that nothing bad happens, it really isn't an exception with regards to ignoring the clause telling the MC to make as hard and direct a move as she likes on a miss, because many moves don't allow the MC that option on a miss. We already looked at in-brain puppet strings which specifies the outcome on a miss. It has been argued - and I agree - that 1 harm (ap) is indeed pretty hard, but it is not as hard and direct as the MC likes. As has already been shown, some character moves do require the MC to make as hard and direct move as she likes, but they are pretty explicit about it.

So the conclusion seems to be that in 2nd ed every move explicitly tells us what happens on the different outcomes, and because of that we have to assume that unless the move tells the MC to make a hard move, she shouldn't.

Whether or not this is the best way to play is a whole other question. As I've already said, my group has not had any problems with the new rules - violence is now a more attractive option and we like that.
Of course that doesn't mean that Marie can just seize her way out of all problems! Moves still snowball, and if she chose to escape, she didn't choose to terrify, impress or dismay, and so it might be reasonable (depending on context) to assume that the raider's friends chase her calling for Marie to escape a hunter.

On the other hand Ebok does have persuasive arguments, and I'll have to try out his hack some day.

Apocalypse World / Re: Individuals as gangs (NTBFW) + gang size stacking
« on: February 19, 2017, 03:40:41 AM »
Daniel, could you elaborate? As I read it, a missed Leadership doesn't have immediate consequences: they do it, but you'll hear about it later.
Or am I not understanding something?

Apocalypse World / Re: Individuals as gangs (NTBFW) + gang size stacking
« on: February 17, 2017, 02:31:01 AM »
I don't think a missed Leadership would be of much immediate consequence, but I do agree that having gangs without a strong present leader is a risky proposition 

Apocalypse World / Re: 2nd Edition and Seize by Force (and similar moves)
« on: February 17, 2017, 02:28:12 AM »
I disagree, Munin. There are cases where it's clear, that the MC does not get to make a hard move even on a miss, Artful and gracious for example.
In the light of such moves, I think it's clear that the paragraph you are quoting is only applicable to basic moves and others, where the players should expect the worst.

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