« on: July 28, 2016, 08:29:51 AM »
Hi, I'm about to gm my first DW session on saturday and I'm really excited. There are still some things I need to understand and I'm hoping you can give me some advice.
How shall I deal with players making too concrete a move? The rules explicitly encourage the players to advance the narrative by describing their actions instead of just saying: I attack him.
My problem is the following:
gm: There's an Orc guarding the entrance, what do you do?
Player A: With my bow already in my hand, I shoot an arrow directly into his left eye...
The appropriate move would be volley I guess, but you could play out the same scenario with hack'n slash.
Now my problem: on a 7+ or a 10+ the action/move succeeds so the player would now roll for damage, which would be rather silly, since the Orc now has an arrow stuck in his left I because the player succeeded... he'd be dead by all means... How do I cope with the problem that player actions might just become ridiculously powerful thru thoughtful description?
Thanks in advance for any ideas
(sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my native language)