« on: March 25, 2014, 11:26:21 AM »
Although this is slightly off-topic, it arises from some conversations in topic so I'll post it here. I would quite love for their to be a playbook that amounts to "I am the Hand of the King/Royal/Noble/Whatever" ruler in all but name of a holding style playbook. Perhaps that could tie in to the various religions, old and new. Or perhaps it could allow for that plus other sorts of things (like in Game of Thrones, the maesters).
There's a lot of space in genre for this type of character, and I think the discussions in this thread definitely raised the possibility to my attention as something that might be a lot of fun.
If you do go with a member of a pre-Xristos religion, you can always look to stuff like the Ionian physicists of the ancient world for precedents - especially since AW:DA isn't a straight historical work, you can play around with the chronology a lot and just pull stuff from lots of places. During my M.A. I actually took coursework on Ancient thinkers (like, before Socrates) - and their literary DNA is actually really conducive to outsider archetypes/grand vizier archetypes. I'd be happy to put forward a couple names to read short bios on if that'll help the creative juices flow.