The Regiment / When does the xenomorph attack?
« on: December 28, 2013, 05:54:15 PM »
Since the 2.5 Attack move doesn't directly allow for a marine to be damaged as a result of failed roll (6-) how does, e.g. a xenomorph's Attack move work? Do we take turns?
Related: if an enemy wants to Attack a whole bunch of marines in one go should I treat that like the "Solder vs. Group" rule under Force Parity?
Sorry for the dumb questions - this is going to be my first time running an AW-hack game.
Related: if an enemy wants to Attack a whole bunch of marines in one go should I treat that like the "Solder vs. Group" rule under Force Parity?
Sorry for the dumb questions - this is going to be my first time running an AW-hack game.