Okay, first off, awesome. I like it. I want to run it. But there still are some rough edges, some more rough than others.
This still needs editing right? There seems to be a bunch of places where the game terms doesn't match up (for instance on the Operational HQ sheet under Surplus it says you need [datalink] for data. But there doesn't seem to be a [datalink] tag. There is a [data] tag though). I've run into a bunch of those.
I feel that there need to be a bit of a description of the Beyond, if only conceptually. I kinda feel like I need a bit of guidance on the outer limits of the concept. I'm aware that it is probably meant to depend on the game, like the Maelstrom in AW, but the game also seems to make a large amount of assumptions about the Beyond, without actually saying what those assumptions are based on; Bleeds, Opening Portals, Sigil Magic, various Beyond Studies, etc.
Is there a rule way to add additional crews to the base beyond the one from Staffed? I feel like I'd want a staff crew, hanging out at the base, researching and stuff, and a spec-ops crew to take with me to take down bad guys.
Resist Damage (p. 12)
I don't really understand this move. It seems on a solid success you suffer harm as established, and otherwise you suffer more misfortune. Where does it actually say how you reduce the harm?
Using Sigils (p. 18)
Should maybe be renamed "Using Sigil Tokens". I spent a minute or two confused about how the sigils of "Sigil Magic" would result in a permanent legacy or turning point. There is a bit of the same problem under strain (p. 20) "Eldritch Sigils uses two different types of damage". I caught on pretty quick, but it could still be confused with magical sigils, instead of the game name.
Character Death and New Characters (p. 20) paragraph 3
"Each player who resolved Strings to that player’s dead character may now mark a new Strings for the new character." Is that "a new String" or same number of strings as the old character?
Suffering Harm (p. 20)
"The most common way to character to suffer harm is attacking an opponent in close combat or shooting them from afar." should probably be "The most common way for a character to suffer harm is by being attacked by an opponent in close combat or being shoot at from afar."
Straing Scales (p. 21)
The harm scale seems very.. pirate focused.
Debilities (p. 21)
Could you squeeze the modifiers into the character sheets. It would be useful so you don't have to look up/remember the effects of the debilities in the heat of combat.
Healing Characters (p. 22)
"Any character may may try to help with Harm". One "may" may be enough.
"Whenever a you is treat". Drop the "a".
"If you are in a hurry or want to try to heal more lost Strain, the GM may require a skill roll. Usually each success should heal one lost Strain." Probably rephrase somehow. Unless first aid is supposed to grant more healing when you are in a hurry.
Long-term Care: The rules for removal of debilities between the text here, and the Downtime sheet doesn't match.
Curing Tells (p. 23)
The Downtime sheet specifically mentions the Purification Ritual for removal of taint. Maybe make that more clear in this section.
Facilities (p. 25)
I'd consider removing this entire section, or at least all duplicate information with the Operational HQ/Facilities sheets. I feel the list is less intuitive than the sheets, and just add a chance for information to become out of sync (so the rulebook and sheet rules are different).
If you want to go in depth about a facility, by all means do so. But avoid the duplicate rules.
Example Front Progress Tracker (p. 37)
Is the progress tracker usually connected to clues? Is it only affected by clues about the cult?
When making moves remember: (p.38)
Looks like it should be Moves, plural, rather than Move