Getting Barter as a Maestro'D

  • 3 Replies
Getting Barter as a Maestro'D
« on: November 01, 2016, 04:58:32 PM »
A player of mine is making a Maestro'd and noticed there's nothing listed for gigs like in most other playbooks. Obviously the business provides for day to day living, but she wants to know what her options are for making money on the side if need be. The hardholder has a similar thing, but they get barter every session from running the hold. I figure either she can use Fingers In Every Pie or get barter from making deals with PCs/NPCs. But since every list of gigs includes "others, as you negotiate them" then I also assume she or I could come up with something for her to do? Since the Maestro'd is generally involved with their establishment, would doing a gig take up time from running it? Would it be fair to warn her that doing a gig would have some kind of cost or should I reserve that for a hard move if she fails a roll doing the gig?

Re: Getting Barter as a Maestro'D
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2016, 07:48:59 PM »
My understanding is that the Maestro D' primarily uses Fingers In Every Pie in place of barter. If you look at the results, it's basically the same move as going to the market looking for something, except is substitutes Hot for barter spent. Since barter isn't any particular thing, yeah, you could roll to get 1-barter worth of stuff or a gun (worth 1-barter) etc. The downside is baked right into the move.

Re: Getting Barter as a Maestro'D
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2016, 10:34:42 PM »
I've been running into this too, and from what I can tell the answer is just Fingers in Every Pie. It's clearly meant for particular pieces of gear, but you can always just ask for oddments worth X barter. I figure then a 10+ is a couple barter, and 7-9 is just one?

Anyway, running the establishment is a (more than) full time job--there's probably not much of an opportunity for gigs on the side.



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Re: Getting Barter as a Maestro'D
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2016, 10:53:14 PM »
And he can always earn barter on scene too.