So, does Ice Cold help with 'Suckering Someone'?

  • 5 Replies
So, does Ice Cold help with 'Suckering Someone'?
« on: October 14, 2016, 08:01:50 AM »
So...basically what the title says. In Apocalypse World 2E, Suckering Someone is listed as a separate move from Going Aggro, but it's mechanics specifically reference Going Aggro and (more importantly) the descriptive elements of the Battlebabe's 'Ice Cold' seem tailor made for helping them commit cold blooded murder.

If MCing a game I'd definitely have it work, but I'm wondering if that's a House Rule, or rather the intent of the rules as they stand?

Re: So, does Ice Cold help with 'Suckering Someone'?
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2016, 08:15:16 AM »
Sucker Someone does not have an associated roll, if the MC determines that a roll is needed then it is probably a Go Aggro roll, and Ice Cold says that when you roll Go Aggro you use cool.
So I would rule that it does apply, I can not see any reason to say it does not. As a fan of the character it is better if it does.

Re: So, does Ice Cold help with 'Suckering Someone'?
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2016, 12:41:51 PM »

Re: So, does Ice Cold help with 'Suckering Someone'?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2016, 12:56:11 AM »
Anyone else have an opinion?

I mean, I don't disagree with those put forward so far, but I was hoping for more.



  • 415
Re: So, does Ice Cold help with 'Suckering Someone'?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2016, 03:36:45 AM »
I thought it was pretty self evident. It doesn't say roll hard, it says if you need to roll at all, treat it as going aggro with one caveat, they cant choose to cave and do what you want (well they could, but that's the same thing as force your hand and suck it up). This isn't a new move. It's a detail and use case of go aggro that was extrapolated under a seperate title to make it more obvious.  Sucker someone is go aggro. And all rules and conditions that effect go aggro have always applied.



  • 415
Re: So, does Ice Cold help with 'Suckering Someone'?
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2016, 03:52:38 AM »
If it matters any, a lot of the "new" moves in second edition aren't new at all. They're mostly about taking the moves as typically used during AW1 to express the action, and codifying them in more obvious ways.

Take the variations of Seize by force for example. I used everything single one of those "variations" and more, actually, just with the base seize by force move. Take definite control over it: means generally to succeed totally in your stated reason for attacking. It being subjective to the narrative. ex: I seize my freedom by force, I seize the gun by force, I seize my wallet by force, I seize seize the position by force, I seize their safety by force, etc. They have a defined scope by the narrative, and they express very different intentions all with the same use of violence to achieve those ends.

It's the same for Sucker Someone. It was commonplace for people to come here and ask what's the best surprise attack move, or assassin move where the outcome wasn't certain. (you just do it) and Go Aggro was always the move everyone was directed to. Nothing's changed about that, at all. It's just now listed right there on the moves page so people don't have to wonder how to read it.