That's fantastic!
Like I said, I've never used the sheets myself, but that sounds "right" to me, and very fruitful.
I'll look through your notes, and, in the meantime, I'd love to hear what other people's experiences with these things have been.
It seems that the "scarcities" sheet is great for conceptualizing/brainstorming existing threats (especially after the first session), but the spatial organization may be more useful for situating play later.
In my AW mutation, "Emergence", I use randomized thematic twists in a similar fashion. (
Perhaps using both the old and new First Session sheets would be helpful? It seems like the Thematic version (1st ed) is a great brainstorming tool, and reinforces the themes of the apocalypse (I could also see flavoring your particular game by changing some of the themes, for a given campaign); whereas the Spatial version (2nd ed) might be more useful in actual play, since it doubles as a map of sorts.
Anyone reading: what were your experiences of this like?
(Also: the roll20 link doesn't seem to work anymore!)