KULT: Divinity Lost kickstarter!

  • 3 Replies
KULT: Divinity Lost kickstarter!
« on: February 28, 2016, 01:24:55 PM »
This topic was originally posted in the wrong forum (Blood & Guts) so I created this again here and deleted the old thread.

Hi, everyone!

Now the kickstarter for my game KULT: Divinity Lost have started. You can check it out here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg and find more info here: https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/

KULT: Divinity Lost are the full fledged RPG that crawl out of the carcass of my AW hack KULT: Prisoners of the Illusion. I have made a lot of changes over the years but I have worked hard to stay true to the philosophy of the Apocalypse World engine. It means that you have a lot of tools to create awesome horror stories without premade adventures or campaigns.

KULT: Divinity Lost is a horror RPG where the world is an prison created to capture the humanity by a creature called The Demiurge. Before the prison were created we were cruel godlike beings but now we are blind and helpless. Our old slaves and enemies use our prison to revenge our crimes but are at the same time terrified that the humans will break free.  The Demiurge disappeared in the beginning of the 20th Century and since then the Illusion that holds humanity captured have weakened. Some of the humans have started to see Truth. The characters you play are some of this blessed (or cursed) people.

KULT: Divinity Lost are inspired by and promotes stories like the Silent Hill-series, Hellraiser (and more of Clive Barkers fiction), Inception, Neil Gaimans Neverwhere, Mark Z. Danielewskis' House of Leaves, Jacob's ladder, Event Horizon, The Shining, Dark Souls and mutch more. Some ordinary ingredients in KULT stories are antiheroes with dark pasts, conspiracies, other dimensions, questioning reality, horrible but intriguing creatures, demonic pacts, magic, gore, exploring taboo subjects, forgotten gods, twisted angels, alluring demons, myths, dark artefacts (puzzel boxes...), purgatories, hell and urban legends.

KULT is played in different modes depending on how mutch insight the characters have gained in the Truth. We have three different type of archetypes (playbooks) that the characters progress between as they get more illuminated.
The Sleepers are characters that live in a Instagram/Facebook/TV/porn/shopping-dream of reality. They won't even see the Illusion they live in. So, normal 21th century people! This characters are going to have a shitty wakeup. Examples in fiction could be Wendy (Jacks wife in The Shining) or Richard Mayhew in Neverwhere.
The Aware are characters that are aware of that something is wrong with the world. They have started to see the Truth and confront their own deamons. Aware characters lock up advantages that give them talents and powers like the playbook moves in AW. Examples from fiction could be Heather in Silent Hill 3 or Alan Wake (in Alan Wake!!!).
The Enlightened are characters that are experienced with the supernatural and have started to fight for their own causes. They have powerful supernatural abilities and knowledge about the true Reality. Examples from fiction could be John Constantine in Hellblazer (comic book), Jesse Custer in Preacher (comic book) or Door in Neverwhere.

The original KULT were released in Sweden 1991 and have since then been published all over Europe, North America , South America and even spread to Asia. Hopefully the game are played in Africa to.

I would love to show you some preview of archetypes (playbooks) before the kickstarter ends. But it all depends on our translator.  In worst case scenario I will make som shitty translations myself just to show you something.

Dear regards

Robin Liljenberg
Headwriter & designer of KULT: Divinity Lost



  • 1293
Re: KULT: Divinity Lost kickstarter!
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2016, 08:59:29 AM »


Re: KULT: Divinity Lost kickstarter!
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2016, 10:06:43 PM »
I am definitely intrigued by this offering, but -- as you note -- there's not that much available on the Kickstarter page to judge the game on. It would be great to see a playbook or two, to get some taste of the setting and mechanics. The video definitely conveys that the tone, voice, art, and mood are fantastic... but I have no idea what it plays like, except for the very brief mention that it's an AW-style mechanic ported from D6s to D10s, and that there are Sleeper/Awake/Enlightened character levels (which I like). Please do post here when the translations are ready!

Re: KULT: Divinity Lost kickstarter!
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2016, 12:04:06 PM »
...I have no idea what it plays like, except for the very brief mention that it's an AW-style mechanic ported from D6s to D10s, and that there are Sleeper/Awake/Enlightened character levels (which I like). Please do post here when the translations are ready!

Yeah, we have sent the archetype The Detective to our translator to be able to show you guys a archetype sheet before the kickstarter are finished.

The greatest reason for chanding the dices are the possibility to use higher scales. Sleepers and aware archetypes have a range in attributes between -2 and +4. Enlightened characters can progress to in two attributes to +5 if the player choose her improvements wisely.

Af friend of mine calculated and compared the probability of different outcomes between a 2d10 and 2d6. His results showed that 2d10:s has a more balanced curve with more even intervals.

Rolls in K:DL
(-9) = Failure
(10-14) = Success with a complication
(15+) = Complete success

Attribute: 2D10-2
2-9 = 55%
10-14 = 35%
15+ = 10%

2-9 = 45%
10-14 = 40%
15+ = 15%

2-9 = 36%
10-14 = 43%
15+ = 21%

2-9 = 28%
10-14 = 44%
15+ = 28%

2-9 = 21%
10-14 = 43%
15+ = 36%

2-9 = 15%
10-14 = 40%
15+ = 45 %

2-9 = 10%
10-14 = 37%
15+ = 53%

2-9 = 6%
10-14 = 30%
15+ = 64%

Attribute:2D10+6 (only possible with modifiers)
2-9 = 3%
10-11 = 25 %
15+ = 72 %

Attribute:2D10+7 (only possible with modifiers)
2-9 = 1%
10-14 = 20%
15+ = 79%

His calculations for 2d6 was this:

2-6 = 72%    
7-9 = 25%   
10+ = 3%   

2-6 = 58%   
7-9 = 34%   
10+ = 8%   

2-6 = 42%   
7-9 = 42%   
10+ = 16%   

2-6 = 28%   
7-9 = 44%   
10+ = 28%   

2-6 = 17%   
7-9 = 42%   
10+ = 41%   

2-6 = 8%   
7-9 = 32%   
10+ = 60%   

2-6 = 3%   
7-9 = 24%   
10+ = 73%