Brainer gear usage

  • 8 Replies


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Brainer gear usage
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:47:29 AM »
I would really appreciate some help with the two pieces of brainer gear I start with. Most of them are pretty obvious, but some have some features I'm not so sure about.

Receptivity drugs and implant syringe:
How long do they last for, and can someone else tag target for the brainer? A few other posts said that for as long as they last, ALL brainer moves get +1 hold and ALL brainer damage is +1 harm. But how long do they actually last?

Pain-wave projector:
When it says everyone, does it mean everyone in the area, or just who you are pointing it at?

And finally, would it be possible to buy gear that I don't start with? Not from your average shmuck, but from a specialist?



  • 609
Re: Brainer gear usage
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2015, 03:26:38 AM »
How long do you think receptivity drugs should last? I'd say it would probably wear off sometime, right?

Painwave projector - It says it hits everyone. I'd say it hits everyone, unless yours is special.

Is there someone in your hardhold that can make brainer gear? Wow, we're usually doing good just to find food and gasoline.
James R.

    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

Re: Brainer gear usage
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2015, 03:52:14 AM »
Receptivity drugs should presumably wear off, yeah. How quickly would vary by the MC's and player's assumptions about the world. You should probably discuss it and come up with a rough time frame.

A pain-wave projector hits everyone in an area. That's what the area tag means. It's a reusable psychic grenade, just like it says in the description.

As for buying brainer gear...that depends on what the MC decides about what that gear is and how common items of similar utility are in the world as presented. A Savvyhead can definitely build them, due to how workshops work (though how feasible that is in actual play is again up to the MC). But as for NPCs...well, that's right back to being entirely the MC's call.

Or, more or less what noclue said.



  • 138
Re: Brainer gear usage
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2015, 05:59:19 AM »
Ah, so if an NPC is well equipped to make brainer gear from scratch, they probably are more interested in mind screwing you than selling you stuff. Also, l think brainwashing scrubs into giving the savvyhead their shiny things would be a great way to get new toys. Cheers guys!

Re: Brainer gear usage
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2015, 05:11:32 PM »

Yeah, if someone is selling or manufacturing brainer gear, that implies a lot about the setting. Like noclue intimated, basically all these questions are the sort of thing you would ask the MC -- and were I an MC in that situation, in most cases I would just turn around and ask the other players, or the Brainer's player, unless I happened to have some very specific ideas about how psychic stuff worked in the apocalypse.

Re: Brainer gear usage
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2016, 04:02:10 AM »
Really, it comes down to how mean everyone is being, and how suicidal they are. You know how to make this stuff but you just want to mess with people's heads instead of sharing the goods? If even one psychic decides you're more of a threat alive than dead, you are so dead. A long range rifle can take someone out, or explosive traps, or just trading for a favor from a warlord.

I'm sure this stuff is written down somewhere, the recipes and such. Or perhaps you can make it with your mind.

As for drug effects, there's hypnotic drugs that put you into a state where you can be ordered around, given triggers and so forth, and those triggers might last for months or years, long after the drug has worn off. Sometimes the drug is just the stepping stone to what you want, and it doesn't actually have to be in the persons system to work for you.

Re: Brainer gear usage
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2016, 03:13:24 PM »
I would like to complete the questions.

How do you use the receptivity drug and implant syringe? I mean, do the brainer inject it in himself, or in the target?

Re: Brainer gear usage
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2016, 03:56:11 PM »
You inject it into ("tag") the target.

"After you’ve tagged someone, if a brainer move allows you to inflict harm on them, inflict +1harm."
"Tagging someone gives you +1hold if you then use a brainer move on them."

Re: Brainer gear usage
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2016, 10:21:23 AM »
Thanks! English is not my mothertongue, and the book uses a slang tone that isn't always clear for me. And the french translation also translates the tone, so much that we keep using the English words! French translation is not bad, it's just .. something else (weird or sharp cannot be translate for instance, as the NPC names who themselves creates some kind of atmosphere). On the other hand, this slang tone makes the game what it is.

So sometimes my questions may seems trivial, but you totally answered it, ty!