So, we did the setup and character creation with my players. It took us about 3 hours (but my players are rather slow).
Here are some questions we encountered :
- Stronghold armory : a vassalage counts 40 warriors. You can have weapons for 10, for 20 or for 60. So you have the choice of having weapons for the quarter, the half, or for too much of your warriors ? Or if you take spears and bows for 20, can you arm 20 of your warriors with spears and 20 of your warriors with bows ?
- Consequence on the war company sheet : does 40 warriors count as having archers or spears if only 10 of them are armed with it ? if 20 ?
- The war captain : if he asks for his own war company, is he allowed to have one ? If yes, how do we create it ?
- The blacksmith : is he necessarily an actual blacksmith ? (we didn't agree about yes or no)
- Household possessions : when we met the household creation, the PC's family suddenly got armories, fortifications, treasures, sacred shrines... Is it ok ? I felt confused because some of those seem to be in the stronghold creation choices, so could one household possess a sacred shrine or fortifications if that's not included in the stronghold sheet ?
Soon, actual play !