Initial thoughts/questions from reading the documents

  • 4 Replies
Initial thoughts/questions from reading the documents
« on: September 01, 2014, 10:11:01 PM »
* The Court Wizard's consult with the gods of their people, seems like a not very useful Right, only desirable in the case that you raise Bold above Weird, which would take 2 advancements at least.

* Seeking initiation - Is that unavailable due to Mantles not really existing yet?

* The Peasant Beauty's guaranteed 12 moves seem oddly powerful. Guaranteed 12 seems better than any other combat Right that applies to individual combat.

* If you get the better position from someone and have your weapon at their throat, can you just kill them outright or would you be inflicting Harm of some kind?

* Let's say two people want to jump another person. I'm assuming thats essentially Single Combat, with a clear possibility of aid, as opposed to a battle. So whoever's in front makes the Strong role, they get a 7-9. I'm assuming they can ask for their friends help in the fight to bump it up to a 10+. Do they get help before or after spending?

* What if someone, when denied their right decides that they actually shouldn't have that right in the first place - Can they go off script from the Denied Your Right options? Can they choose to just lose that Right?

* Good is like pleasant and/or righteous, but not necessarily either, right?

* What do players do when they go off to heal for a season? Pick up a new character in the interim? Wait for the season to pass?

Re: Initial thoughts/questions from reading the documents
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 03:36:45 AM »
I noticed that about the Court Wizard, too. I mean, it might be fictionally appropriate, if your gods are foreign gods then you need the move to consult with them.... but mechanically it seems a rough choice.

I'd say to "weapon against throat", yeah you can just kill them outright, unless mitigating circumstances suggest otherwise. I mean, you're clearly not in a FIGHT with someone, right? Fights over, you've won (by achieving the better position).

Re: denied right. Maybe they're accepting the injustice with dignity, because they recognize it's not actually an injustice in this case? Maybe they're forgoing the right in exchange for... acknowledgement of their humility? Or even just self-respect? As an MC if a player did the latter I'd totally be like "Awesome, okay."

I think it's less "I go heal for the rest of the season" and more "Okay, the season passes, what are you all doing? Healing? Yeah, makes sense, probably don't want that wound to be permanent." I mean, if you deliberately want your character to rest and recover BEFORE the "season changes" move comes down from the MC... then say what your character does, and the MC says what happens following their principles and agenda, yeah?

Re: Initial thoughts/questions from reading the documents
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 08:22:03 AM »
* The Peasant Beauty's guaranteed 12 moves seem oddly powerful. Guaranteed 12 seems better than any other combat Right that applies to individual combat.

I thought it looked overpowered too, until I noticed that you only get your 12 if the other person attacks you, not if you decide to attack yourself. So it is not so much a "I can win any fight I want" move, as a "Here I am, you sure you wanna do this? Nah, didn't think so" move.



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Re: Initial thoughts/questions from reading the documents
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 09:54:06 AM »
Thanks! These are good catches.

* The court wizard: Oops! You can see a similar problem, not well-solved, when the Castellan and the Troll-killer get to treat things as sizing their enemies up.

* Seeking initiation: unavailable because of mantles, yes.

* The Peasant Beauty's guaranteed 12s: Simon's right. The timing is important, to give your enemy a chance to reconsider.

Whether it works well in practice, I'm curious to find out!

* Killing outright: There's no killing outright, there's only inflicting harm. (In Apocalypse World, too.) But having someone at your mercy pretty much allows you to inflict as much harm as you need.

* Help in single combat: Before spending.

* Ceding your right: Maybe I'll add "you cede your right. Erase it" to the list.

* Good: Right.

* Healing for a season: Benhimself's right. When the current season ends, the MC should say "what does everybody do for the rest of the season?" So you choose to rest and recover while I choose to travel and Meg chooses to work with her people to prepare for what's to come. The rest of the season passes for all of us the same.


Re: Initial thoughts/questions from reading the documents
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2014, 02:08:40 PM »
Cool, that answers my questions pretty well.

Another two: The instructions file says "You can heal 1 harm via medicine/magic and 1 harm through resting through the season". I'm assuming that that is contradicted via specific Rights, right? (The enchantments and the healing right should allow you to heal 2 harm via magic and 2 harm via resting.)

Speaking of the healing right "Ask your gods for help in healing", after you heal someone 1 harm right now, can you heal them again? Does that take up the 1 harm via medicine/magic?

Is it cool to give NPCs Rights the way that NPCs can have Moves in AW?