The Gospel of Dungeon World

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The Gospel of Dungeon World
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:40:28 PM »
In 2011 I bought DW - Hack for 5 bucks online...and it changed everything for me.  No more power-gaming rules lawyers.  It was all about the story.

I have converted 2 groups since.  The first time, 2 players were sold after the first game.  The 3rd, brooding lone badass with a 3 page back story, took 4 games to convert.

Now I sit, on the eve of demo-ing DW at my local game store. 

On our first foray, the in-house DM was blown away by the speed & freedom. 

Tomorrow I run a DW session for 4 DMs who want to 'experience' DW.     

So, I go to spread the Gospel of DW. 



  • 134
Re: The Gospel of Dungeon World
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2014, 01:03:22 AM »
Amen, brother. PREACH!



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Re: The Gospel of Dungeon World
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2014, 07:11:44 PM »
The Results...

After e-mailing the character sheets and basic rules to the group, one DM bowed out.  The in-store DM said the guy was having a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact you only need 26 pages of material to run a game.       

After the game, the player currently DMing a Chuthulu game said he especially liked Spout Lore and Discern Realities, and would immediately implement those elements into his campaign.  The in-store DM was blown away at how fast the mechanics moved.  He also said there is so little to the character sheet, but you could do so much with it.  He said his next in-store campaign would defiantly be in DW (to disarm the power gamers).  They were both amazed I never rolled any dice (I had them roll the dice damaging them) the whole game.     

The other player at the table was in my regular group.  He wouldn't DM D&D, but he's starting to GM DW a bit.  He's always been creative enough.  He just didn't want to study volumes of sourcebooks.  I had him at the table to help the flow.   

Proselytizing the Gospel of DW earned 2 more followers - GMs who will expose their players.