Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks

  • 18 Replies
Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« on: July 29, 2014, 08:16:37 PM »
Two new documents for playtesting and comments:
Basic Moves

I'll put the new Matrix chapter up as soon as it's done, which should be tomorrow.



  • 23
Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2014, 10:14:04 PM »
Awesome, we're just beginning. Like the explanation of each job at the end. Just curiousw about why limit available directives per job.

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 07:47:30 AM »
I just skimmed over the Basic Moves sheet, so it's possible I missed something, but it seems that Play Hardball has no 10+ result when used against a PC.

Also, I assume the Discussion segments are deliberately incomplete?  For example, you have 'Difference between Play hardball and fasttalk', but nothing actually following to explain what the difference is.

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2014, 03:08:11 PM »
Kuzco: The directives are limited to speed up character creation by having them all on a playbook sheet and reducing the amount of options players have to read.

As is typical in PbtA games, experienced players can choose other options or make up new directives (same with name and look options). I'll make this explicit in the chapter on running The First Session.

SoylentWhite: It was badly worded, but fortunately because it made me reconsider. It's now:

For PCs, on a hit, they choose: do what you want, or suffer the established consequences. On a 7-9, they gain +1 forward to act against you.

And yes, the discussion sections are still in progress. I wanted to get the basic moves and playbooks out there as quickly as possible so people could try them out. If there's anything in particular about moves that you think should be included there, let me know!

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2014, 03:22:47 PM »
I just updated those two links with tweaked and corrected versions.



  • 23
Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2014, 10:56:44 PM »
Thanks. The Discussion sections are slick. I've questions though
1) On my AAR Magnetic complained about having to pay his own gang for help. What do you think about it? I'm inclined to make smaller favours free-ish (like borrowing equipment).
2) Equipment produced with +gear: is it permanent? Can you produce a matrix console or weapons?

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2014, 02:38:16 PM »
1) Good question. I have three answers! a) The answer depends on context. What kind of gang is it, what's the character's relationship with the gang and its members, what do both parties consider a "fair price". Remember that a gang is a group of people with individual desires and needs. But overall, it will depend on how the fiction has been established at the table.
b) It might be that payment to a really close Contact, like your own gang, comes in terms of favours not Cred. Certainly if he's just wanting to borrow things, that will cost less than buying them.
c) Magnetic has believers, right? He should use Vision Thing on them.

2) Yes, the gear that +gear produces is as permanent as any other gear the characters buy. Exactly what you can produce will again depend on the context. In the discussion it says: "you can only produce equipment that you could reasonably have in your possession or could have been relatively easily obtained." What counts as "reasonably have in your possesssion" or "relatively easily obtained" depends on the style of game. The answer will differ between the game that focuses on low-level street bums in a semi-apocalyptic industrial wasteland and the game where the players are a team of ultra-professional trouble-shooters on retainer to a megacorporate executive. It might also depend on the specific mission. If the entire mission has been spent in a high security orbital environment it might be implausible to have brought in projectile weapons of any sort, but the automated electronics factory they hid out in before the Action phase might mean that programs and even cyberdecks are available.

Personally, I would tend to restrict produce gear to things that cost 2 Cred or less (more complex restricted gear from a fixer -- grenades, assault weapons, legal drones, basic hacking programs). Remember also that the player has to narrate how they got the gear. That might include buying it, in which case they should pay for it in Cred or favours as appropriate. It might also include stealing it, which might result in enemies.

Thanks for those questions, Kuzco. Some of this will definitely end up in the document!



  • 23
Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2014, 04:00:18 PM »
Glad to participate and contribute. Thanks for your answers.

Another question: care to tell me what changes did you do to last night's revisions? So I don't have to tell my players to read both files all over again.

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2014, 02:07:11 AM »
The moves Silver Tongue and Card press gives you an extra result on fast talk but i did not see result choice in fast talk move.

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2014, 05:44:28 AM »
Description of resarch move refer to using some sort of library, dossier or database, but no reference to ask people or  listening to or recalling gossip (like Word on the Street move)



  • 23
Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2014, 11:22:38 PM »
The moves Silver Tongue and Card press gives you an extra result on fast talk but i did not see result choice in fast talk move.
I think it means you choose an additional result from the established list.

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2014, 02:21:40 PM »
The moves Silver Tongue and Card press gives you an extra result on fast talk but i did not see result choice in fast talk move.

Thanks, motseu! Those must be a holdover from a previous version.

Description of resarch move refer to using some sort of library, dossier or database, but no reference to ask people or  listening to or recalling gossip (like Word on the Street move)

There are two options: 1) if the character is asking specific people, that is covered by Hit the Street. 2) If the character is literally just listening to people talking, you could could consider that as a sort of database and use Research. In particular, if a character wanders around an area recording things with cybereyes and ears, and then reviews the collected footage later, that is explicitly accessing a database and would definitely be research. I would treat general listening the same, as long as it was in the correct place.

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2014, 06:16:03 PM »
i did not understand the Cat Burglar move:
After you have spent all your Covert Entry hold infiltrating a secure area through stealth
and dexterity, you may cancel one Complication in that Action phase without lowering your 10+ to a 7-9 (a new rule ?)

After a test,
i find that fast talk ( On a 7-9, they’ll do it, but someone will find out. Advance the appropriate countdown clock.)
miss other choice likes have to pay (in money,  time,  info...) .

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2014, 09:43:51 AM »
Complications are a new MC currency I'm thinking about. I'm about to write (or remove) that section today.

Fast Talk: I might change the wording to something like: "On a 7-9, there's a cost (in time, money, or mission security)" This would give the MC some different move options.

Re: Version 0.3: Basic Moves and Playbooks
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2014, 09:58:52 PM »
As Motseu spotted, there were problems with Silver Tongue and Press Pass. Here are the new versions:

Silver Tongue: When you fast talk someone and roll a hit, you get a little something extra. Take +intel or remove a point from the MC’s Complication pool.

Press Pass: If you reveal your public persona to fast talk your way in, do not roll the dice, you count as rolling a 10+. Take +intel and advance the Legwork Clock.

And here are the Complications rules:

  • After the job has been accepted, the MC calculates his Complication pool. This is equal to the number of players (including the MC). If the player rolling get the job chose the employer is identifiable, remove one point from the Complication pool.
  • Each 10+ the players roll in the Legwork phase reduces the MC’s Complication pool by one.
  • During the Action phase, the MC spend points from the Complication pool. When a player rolls a 10+, the MC may spend a Complication from the pool. The player chooses: lowering their 10+ to a 7-9, or advance the Action clock.