version inconsistencies

  • 4 Replies


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version inconsistencies
« on: June 20, 2010, 05:37:45 PM »
At this moment, the character playbooks and the players' refbook are slightly outdated. I'll get current ones up in the coming week, I hope.

The significant differences are in the seduce or manipulate basic move, the angel kit, and in one of the gunlugger's moves. I don't think there are more than those 3, but I might be forgetting something. Anyway check 'em out!


Re: version inconsistencies
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2010, 09:51:07 AM »
Since I might be MCing the first session of a game tonight, I finally decided to check these differences.  I'd seen the angel kit and seduce/manipulate differences already, but this was the first time I actually looked at the old Gunlugger move "a secret cache of arms."  Was this one changed because it no longer really does anything?  I can't recall seeing anything particular in the book that suggests it would be common for the weapons, ammo, and armor to change mechanically.  Did that relate to things that are no longer in the rules?



  • 1293
Re: version inconsistencies
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2010, 11:06:29 AM »
It related to things that never quite made it into the rules at all. I wrote that move a long, long time ago, supposing that supporting rules would eventually materialize. They didn't!


Re: version inconsistencies
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2010, 11:16:47 AM »
Ha ha!  Well, no matter, I suppose.  It sounds to me like it might be more trouble than it's worth to pay a lot of attention to weapon condition.

Though... (and I suppose this really is a question better suited for another thread and subforum) I assume it's totally legitimate to tell a Player his character's equipment is changing if the circumstances warrant it?

Re: version inconsistencies
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2010, 11:32:59 AM »
I'm sure Vincent will give you a better and official answer, and damned if I can find the reference in the preapocalypse book, but there's a part that says that gear should follow the same prescriptive/descriptive vibe as the various count downs. Meaning, if your driver finds a machine gun in-fiction and says he's strapping it onto his car, change his car's stats to have a machine gun. Likewise, if he takes an improvement to have an armed car, then say how that happened in the fiction. Also, with 'take away their stuff' and 'make them pay' I think those could cover changing a piece of gear's state in various ways beyond just making it appear or disappear.