Latest release: 0.83!

  • 11 Replies
Latest release: 0.83!
« on: April 21, 2014, 09:32:31 PM »
This is the thread for the latest beta publications of Uncharted Worlds. It'll usually include a link and possibly a short description of the changes.

Version 0.75
Version 0.82
Version 0.83

Record number of mechanical changes in this one, stuff I'm really happy about. I feel very confident with this version, and I hope you guys like the changes.
0.83 Changelist:
- Changed Debt/Favor system
- Changed Standing (reputation) system
- Changed Acquisition standard move
- Added Barter standard move
- Added Wild Jump standard move
- Changed Assessment standard move
- Removed Codex Entries
- Added Data Points
- Updated templating of Face Adversity standard move
- Updated templating of Get Involved standard move
- Rewrote Launch Assault and Open Fire to be clearer
- Quick start rules
- Removed separate 'Gadgets'
- Changed Gear system
- Folded Gadgets into 'Career Kits' for Gear
- Changed Crew system
- Skill changes:
- - Academic: Learning
- - Clandestine: Interrogation
- - Commercial: Trade, Procurement, Broker, Bribe
- - Explorer: Survivalist
- - Industrial: Dismantle
- - Personality: Fame, Contacts, Performance, Subversion
- - Scoundrel: Criminal, Schemer, False Identity
- - Starfarer: Traveller, Cosmopolitan, Calibrations
- - Technocrat: Upload (removed), Technophile (added), Data Manipulation, Coding, Hacking
- - Cast time of Wild Jump reduced to 5 seconds, but cooldown increased to 60 seconds. Mana cost remains the same.

If anyone's interested in the reasoning behind any of the changes, or has any questions about them (or spots any parts of the rules I missed with my updates (like Industrial: Tinker)) please feel free to post!

Coming up for 0.84:
- Revamping/rewriting ship gameplay rules (finally!)
- Premade characters
- Quick Start scenarios
- GM Moves
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 08:56:03 PM by Archangel3d »

Re: Latest releases
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 06:35:15 AM »
This looks very much like something I've been trying to write for a long time. Glad I looked at it! Thanks!

Re: Latest releases
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 01:29:38 PM »
Heya. Thanks for the interest.

I realized I haven't posted a latest version in a while!

You can check out Version 0.81 here. Any comments, questions or suggestions would be very appreciated.

Re: Latest releases (v0.81)
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2014, 01:53:22 PM »
Great, thanks! Wilco! :)

Re: Latest releases (v0.81)
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2014, 05:18:11 PM »
Looking to play on Monday, just in case you have a new version coming up... ;)

Re: Latest releases (v0.81)
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2014, 01:28:59 AM »
Awesome, good luck! Sadly, it'll be a while before 0.82 is in any shape yo be published; as you can see from the other threads, going through some pretty significant changes (no more Crew moves in careers, Crew are now a type of equipment, changing the source of player starting rooms for the ship, changing the names and refining the descriptions of the stats, etc).

Looking forward to hearing how it went.

Re: Latest releases (v0.82)
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2014, 12:32:17 AM »
New version up, and it's a doosy. I really thought that things would be pretty stable from 0.81, but I'll be damned, all you playtesters really hammered this thing into shape. v0.82 is the result of that. Still lots to do, but I'm very happy with the overall stability, balance and new options.

Version 0.82

It's late, been working on this non-stop for the past 4 days, I'll post a detailed changelist later tomorrow.

Also: happy Canada Day, folks :)

Re: Latest releases (FIXED v0.82)
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2014, 06:22:17 PM »
NOTE! The old version of 0.82 is no good, you need to grab Version 0.82 FIXED

Re: Latest release: 0.83!
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2014, 08:55:46 PM »
Yay! Version 0.83 is up!

Record number of mechanical changes in this one, stuff I'm really happy about. I feel very confident with this version, and I hope you guys like the changes.
0.83 Changelist:
- Changed Debt/Favor system
- Changed Standing (reputation) system
- Changed Acquisition standard move
- Added Barter standard move
- Added Wild Jump standard move
- Changed Assessment standard move
- Removed Codex Entries
- Added Data Points
- Updated templating of Face Adversity standard move
- Updated templating of Get Involved standard move
- Rewrote Launch Assault and Open Fire to be clearer
- Quick start rules
- Removed separate 'Gadgets'
- Changed Gear system
- Folded Gadgets into 'Career Kits' for Gear
- Changed Crew system
- Skill changes:
- - Academic: Learning
- - Clandestine: Interrogation
- - Commercial: Trade, Procurement, Broker, Bribe
- - Explorer: Survivalist
- - Industrial: Dismantle
- - Personality: Fame, Contacts, Performance, Subversion
- - Scoundrel: Criminal, Schemer, False Identity
- - Starfarer: Traveller, Cosmopolitan, Calibrations
- - Technocrat: Upload (removed), Technophile (added), Data Manipulation, Coding, Hacking
- - Cast time of Wild Jump reduced to 5 seconds, but cooldown increased to 60 seconds. Mana cost remains the same.

If anyone's interested in the reasoning behind any of the changes, or has any questions about them (or spots any parts of the rules I missed with my updates (like Industrial: Tinker)) please feel free to post!

Coming up for 0.84:
- Revamping/rewriting ship gameplay rules (finally!)
- Premade characters
- Quick Start scenarios
- GM Moves

Re: Latest release: 0.83!
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2014, 08:17:07 AM »
Quick start rules seem like a very good idea. Especially if they are balanced against fully customized characters, so that they can be mixed in a group (I often play with some RPG newbies and some veterans).

How come you decided to take out the Artificial origin? It's so cool! :)

Re: Latest release: 0.83!
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2014, 09:59:02 AM »
The Quick start characters will indeed be pre-generated full characters. I'm still looking into how to lay out the character sheet and such.

As for the Artificial origin, I'll quote myself from the Q&A thread :)
So you may have noticed in the latest rules, I removed the Artificial Origin and the Cybernetic career. To me, there are certain classes and origins that absolutely need to bend or circumvent the rules in interesting, splashy ways in order to do justice to the archetype/expectations. Robots, Cyborgs, Clones, Aliens (enlightened, warlike), Mutants, Psykers (empaths, kinetics) all fall under that category. So I've put all of those aside until I've got the basic rules solidly down and released, before I start breaking the rules in a supplement. Also, I want to make it clear that all of them are optional, their existence in the universe is to approved of by the table.

Re: Latest release: 0.83!
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2014, 08:15:27 PM »
Right, good call.