Reblog Apocalyptica! (aka please give me cool sites)

  • 2 Replies
Reblog Apocalyptica! (aka please give me cool sites)
« on: May 22, 2014, 03:20:48 PM »
Anybody got cool websites/blogs/junk that they browse for inspiration?

I only gots a few to share, myself: Post-Apocalyptic Fashion, Abandonedography (photos of abandoned places), and People of Earth (photos of different folks around the world). I also have a Tumblr page where I collect images and stories, here's a few things from real life, and I have a lot of inspiration for landscapes.

Re: Reblog Apocalyptica! (aka please give me cool sites)
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2014, 08:44:59 PM »

Lots of nice stuff there! Abandonedography was particularly great for me, because I tend to focus most of my image-inspiration-sourcing on photographs of people, making evocative landscapes something of a (relative) struggle.

I am sure I have posted it before but here is a link to my collection of NPC/PC portraits; given the sheer number of named NPCs that are likely to arise in a long-running AW game I have found it remarkably useful to attach names to photographs/faces. (Many of these images have been copied without the permission of their creators, so if you want to use them please limit it to your local gaming tables.)

Re: Reblog Apocalyptica! (aka please give me cool sites)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2014, 06:34:29 AM »
Not inspiration per se but I'll plug my own retropocalyptic blog:
Its a few months behind on the updates but there will be articles on the Uranium Spring and Wasteland Weekend events coming around sometime soon.