I had a really cool idea for how a joust could be handled, but then looked at the actual Going Into Battle move and realized it didn't quite support it, since Going Into Battle doesn't have a "Reduce the harm I inflict by 1". So, although it could be a custom move, here's the idea adapted to actual Going Into Battle.
A joust is a battle, in which standardized tourney lances and armor put Harm at exactly equal to Armor, for all participants. There's the expectation that you will put your choices into things like "seize definite control of your objective" in order to unseat the person from his horse and win. However, once in a while, you'll find someone who plays dirty, and picks "strike hard, inflicting terrible harm." This is cheating, but it could have been an accident (accidents are likely to happen on a miss.). If you think the person you're facing off against is likely to cheat, you might pick "You protect yourself, suffering reduced harm." But, in a joust, timing is definitely going to matter, so you have to pick "Protect myself" before the opponent picks "strike hard", reducing your ability to actually pick things that will help you win.
This only works for a PC vs. PC joust, of course, though it could maybe work if an NPC cheater had a custom move that let him do +1 harm in a joust.
Anyway, just a cool rules application idea. I'm really looking forward to playing/running AW:DA. Unfortunately I have to wait until our current game of Sorcerer finishes up. :(