A couple of questions

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A couple of questions
« on: March 06, 2014, 12:04:13 PM »
Looking at the other posts I saw that some of my questions were already addressed, but I have some questions still
Harm:  Is it intended that once a person reaches "I will yet survive this" the only way to go back under that is thru the Outlaw Heir "Fate" move?  Per the rules if once you cross off "I have more to do before I die" you will not get better.  Or is there a medical move/playbook that is not written yet?
The description of wounds is a little vague.  When talking of the first three healing on their own, i assume means as long as one of first three prevails?

Genealogy:  I don't know that there is enough of a distinction between the Second and Third laws as far as women and their roles in the succession.  Maybe the Second law could go the way of the mabinogi in a matrilineal patriarchy - if your uncle is king, you can be king - that kind of thing.  I don't think the religion would have to change with that adjustment. 

Re: A couple of questions
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2014, 01:56:45 PM »
On Geneaology:

There is a big difference between "when you die with no sons, your brother inherits" and "when you die with no sons, your daughters son inherits."

Conniving uncles and ear-poison is what political drama is made from!

That said, I think illustrating the differences between the political systems (literally, with family trees) might be of use in the final text. I know I personally have trouble picturing the political landscape of these inheritance rules, just by reading them. I don't know how many gamers will sketch out their own example bloodlines just to teach themselves. An example tree with a little helping text would be nice.



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Re: A couple of questions
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2014, 02:01:40 PM »
On harm and healing: I haven't settled on complete healing rules yet, but with competent medical care, you can restore lines of fate.




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Re: A couple of questions
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2014, 02:20:11 PM »

        King Fredo                                     
         |               |
Prince Gerald   Princess Mary

Princess Bess (sister to the king)
   |                 |                  |
Prince Tom  Princess Jane  Prince Don

Princess Grace  (sister to the king)
      Princess Alia 
          |               |
  Prince Oscar   Princess Adele

Gerald will not inherit, neither will Mary.
Tom or Don may inherit, but Jane would bear their heirs.  If Tom and Don both die, Oscar (or one of Jane's son's) would inherit.

Edited for format a little
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 02:29:25 PM by niamh »



  • 1293
Re: A couple of questions
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2014, 02:24:55 PM »
(Don't mind my edit, I was trying to be helpful with formatting and failed.)



  • 22
Re: A couple of questions
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2014, 02:29:58 PM »
I tried to edit too, maybe it is clearer if they are not all one a single line.  *shrug*

Re: A couple of questions
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2014, 02:42:53 PM »
Are your three trees and explanations illustrating all three systems?



  • 22
Re: A couple of questions
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2014, 04:26:20 PM »
No, sorry, I misinterpreted your question...  If I understand it correctly, I think the below should explain.
for that, Fredo, Bess, Grace, and Ringo are siblings:
        Fredo - eldest Male
         |               |
Prince Gerald   Princess Mary
                      Prince Wayne

 Bess - eldest Female
   |                 |                  |
Prince Tom  Princess Jane  Prince Don

Princess Grace  (younger female)
      Princess Alia
          |               |
  Prince Oscar   Princess Adele

Prince Ringo (younger male)
      Prince George
          |               |
  Prince Ed   Princess Ethel

The Old Ways:  Bess is Queen.  Jane is the Heir.  If Jane dies, Grace will be the Heir.  If Jane marries a peasant, her husband will become a Prince.  If Prince Tom marries a peasant, he will become a peasant.

The Law of Eagles (as Written):  Fredo is King, Gerald is the Heir.  If Gerald dies, Wayne will be the Heir.  If Mary marries a peasant, her husband will become a Prince.  If Prince Ringo marries a peasant, he will become a peasant.

The New Law:  Fredo is King, Gerald is Heir.  If Gerald dies, Ringo will be Heir.  If Princess Mary marries a peasant she will become a peasant.  If Prince Tom marries a peasant she will become a Princess.

Oversimplification I think that there are probably social norms against marrying people with a vast social rank gap.

My suggestion for a change on Law of eagles is: that it is a matrilineal patriarchy and marrying up works either way.
Fredo is King, Tom or Don is the Heir.  If Tom and Don die, Oscar will be the Heir.  If Mary marries a peasant, her husband will become a Prince.  If Prince Ringo marries a peasant, his wife will become a Princess.