New names for old stats

  • 3 Replies
New names for old stats
« on: March 04, 2014, 10:28:16 PM »
Here are some possible new names for the AW to DA stats. The names came from a Dark Ages variant of AW that I never finished.

Steady for Cool
Clever for Sharp
Mighty for Hard
Seemly for Hot
Uncanny for Weird

The unfinished game had Dispassionate and Learned, not Steady and Clever; the implications are different, and Steady and Clever fit better here.




  • 1293
Re: New names for old stats
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2014, 10:45:19 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions!

I won't be changing the stat names.




  • 378
Re: New names for old stats
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2014, 03:14:02 PM »
I'm a fan of the original stat names, myself. They're, like, descriptions of the character as perceived instead of quantifiable measurements. I like your replacement names, though, they're better than a lot that I've seen.

Re: New names for old stats
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2014, 06:35:51 PM »
I'm glad there won't be changes to the stat names or different stats. I always felt that these specific stats are sort of based around core protagonist excellencies in the context of fiction. Cool is based around the protagonist that is unshakably resolute, and does not flinch to danger or threat (pretty much every antihero in fiction). Hard is based around the protagonist that is unassailable in battle (Conan, who could never lose a battle so long as his back was against a wall). Hot is based around the protagonist that commands the room with their presence and can speak people to tears or action (Mel Gibson's interpretation of William Wallace). Sharp is based around the protagonist that lets nothing miss their eye (Sherlock Holmes). And Weird is sort of a wildcard for all those mysterious forces that permeate fiction, and the tendency for protagonists to be special in the context of their use (the Dragonborn of Skyrim).

What other stats could you really possibly use that capture these classic protagonist cliches, and why would they be superior? Why change the names, when they are signature to the original game?