
  • 4 Replies


  • 1293
« on: March 03, 2014, 11:01:39 AM »
Welcome to the Apocalypse World: Dark Age ecretsay orumfay!

Copied from my blog, 3/3/2014:

Apocalypse World: Dark Age is a fantasy version of Apocalypse World. It's a pretty political blood-and-war kind of fantasy, inspired by Game of Thrones, Centurion, Vikings, Black Death and others.

Right now it's just 5 playbooks and 6 pages of rules, setting, and setup material. Ultimately it'll be a full stand-alone game, but that day is far off.

I'm looking for people to read it through and give me quick comments on what stands out to them. I'm not looking for editing or any substantial suggestions, really - that's down the line - just your observations and comments on what I've got so far.

I expect this first-look process to develop organically into early playtesting, so if you find that you want to give it a try in play, please do. Let me know you're starting and I'll tell you what I'm looking for.

The game is very close to Apocalypse World, close enough to warrant including the words in the title. The innovations here are real, but they're small, and they're under the roof. Like, I've inverted going aggro, I've recast the harm countdown, I'm handling the read moves a little differently, stuff like that. I'm taking the opportunity to update Apocalypse World to reflect my 5 years' experience with it. If you're looking for a real departure, not a more modest development, you'll be disappointed.

If you don't already have a good working familiarity with Apocalypse World, this document will probably be unintelligible to you. I don't mind sending it to you anyway, if you want, and I'll welcome your comments and questions.

If you'd like to take a look, email me.

Thanks! If you have any comments or any questions you'd like me to answer first, please ask.

Re: Welcome
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 02:43:05 PM »
If you're looking for a real departure, not a more modest development, you'll be disappointed.

It definitely has a different feel than AW. It's more of a departure than I expected!



  • 1293
Re: Welcome
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2014, 02:55:31 PM »
That's good news. Thanks, Adam!



  • 415
Re: Welcome
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2014, 11:31:31 AM »
I'm interested in providing feedback and play-testing. However, I seem to have misplaced your email address. I thought it was in the AW book, but a search turned up nothing. Mind tossing it up here?



  • 378
Re: Welcome
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2014, 01:05:42 PM »
It's on the lumpley games main page. It's "lumpley". It's a gmail address.