A bit help on custom between-session moves

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A bit help on custom between-session moves
« on: December 10, 2013, 10:10:09 AM »

I need to design three custom moves, that will help me determine what exactly happened between sessions.
A bit of background - the previous governor of the city is being overthrown. On the last sessions, three players (Chopper, who will be changing the playbook to Hardholder, Operator and Gunlugger) managed to destroy the gang that was supposed to help the current governor in defending his position, and Operator orchestrated alliance with Chopper and one of important town families. My idea is, they will overthrow Governor, with help with another neutral gang (called Mustangs). However - majority wants that to happen off screen (and I agree), so I wanted to design custom moves for the 3 that were on last session (2 were not present, so I will assume they return after dust settles).

What I have so far:

For Chopper and to-be Hardholder:
Roll +Hard, on 10+ keep 3, on 7-9 keep 1:
- small number of casualties in your gang
- Governor was captured (didn't run away)
- no important gang members from your gang were harmed/died
- small destructions to the town
- you enriched yourself additionally (+3 barter)

For Operator
Roll +Cool, on 10+ keep 3, on 7-9 keep 1:
- you don't get new obligation gig toward Mustangs
- no one from your team was hurt/died
- you enriched yourself (+3 barter)
- you enriched yourself (+2 barter)

For Gunlugger
Roll +Cool, on 10+ keep 3, on 7-9 keep 1:
- you didn't get hurt
- you enriched yourself (+3 barter)
- Your favorite Pub is untouched (the place that he both sleeps, and likes to drink very much - closest to home, that character has)

I am a bit at loss for more options, and I am unsure how much of them I should really include - if 5 isn't a bit too much. When they fail, or succeed partially, most of the nagative options will come to life.
Thoughts, suggestions?

Re: A bit help on custom between-session moves
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2013, 04:42:29 PM »
I'd go with 4 or 3 options. Perhaps drop the number to choose for 10+ down to 2 if you want to leave a cost for the character (of a lost opportunity if nothing else).



  • 36
Re: A bit help on custom between-session moves
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2013, 04:56:30 PM »
I didn't want to make that so oppressive, so I kept 3 on success.
Hardholder and Gunlugger had 10+, Operator failed - which made things interesting.
It went pretty well, all things considered.