Wayward Sons

  • 32 Replies
Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2013, 07:07:47 AM »
I'm in the process of changing this hack into something more "hunterish". All characters will have to balance at the edge of humanity when fighting for it. Urban Shadows is a major influence though I wouldn't go as far as describing it the "mother game".

I also began the work on "Creating Fronts" and this is what I have come up thus far:

Creating Fronts

To create a front, go through the following steps.

Choose a Theme
Create 3-4 threats.
Come up with the agenda and dark future.
List the front’s cast.
Write 2 to 4 stakes questions
Come up with progress trackers and requires special moves.

You do not need to start with the theme if you have good threats in your mind. But most likely you will either return to this step or start with it. Choose 1:
   - Paranoia         - Doom
   - Debauchery          - Fringe
   - Taint            - Seclusion
   - Fear            - Secrets
When creating threats choose one.

- Overlord: Someone who controls others to achieve his/her goals.
- Affiliations: Groups of people with or without leader.
- Weird: Something from Beyond or something that has something to do with Beyond.
- Landscape: Natural or constructed, from this world or from Beyond.
- Danger: Something that threatens to happen or what is already happening.
Agenda and Dark Future
Answer following questions with a sentence or two.
- What is the ultimate goal of the threat (agenda)?
- If nobody stops the thread what will happen (dark future)?
List the fronts cast
Come up with the NPCs (including monsters) of the front. A list of names is usually enough.
Write 2 to 4 stakes questions
Write the stakes for front. They should involve the NPC cast and/or the PC directly involved with the threat.
Come up with progress trackers and requires special moves.
Use progress trackers the guide your way through the threat. Basic “if > then” structure is recommended.
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2014, 08:09:48 AM »
Just started on working on the "seasoned" tear of playbooks. Weirder moves, more Deep and confrontation with the Beyond. I'll update the process when I get it going.
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2014, 04:37:13 AM »
I decided to concentrate on "the hunt". The actual hunt can be anything from tracking agents to multidimensional space aliens but the playbooks should all be related to the Hunt in some way. Why would a person go on a "hunt" that means he would have to forsake his/her former life?

Thus far I'm getting playbook ideas for The Agent, The Collector, The Avenger (stupid name?), The Mediator as different approaches for the hunt (I discuss this in greater length at our blog).

Care to throw in any additional ideas?
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2014, 12:15:59 PM »
Also - just started to try out the tutorial for images. Suddenly I'm really glad of my immense photo collections!

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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2014, 01:03:37 PM »
For hunters how about the Protector, the Curator (might be too close to Collector, or could be another name for it), the Investigator (a CoC classic), and the Cannibal?

Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2014, 02:44:22 PM »
Thanks for the input Munin! I'll bring these all to our group.

Protector might be a good one. It could actually work for the "man of the God" my friend is creating. Curator is a bit close to the Collector and I just cannot pass that name (brings up fond memories from Grand Collector card from Doom Troopper CCG). I'm not sure if investigator is too broad in the same sense that Hunter would have been. And the Cannibal would be something to hunt... maybe a set of Tainted playbooks?

I just have to add this last image I did. It was a simple use of my friend's birthday image with a background taken from a factory photo I took last fall.

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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2014, 06:18:12 AM »
First seasoned playbooks on the table. What do you think of these move and gear sets?

The Asset
The Asset is any type of "agent" working for someone/-thing (organisation, syndicate, cigarette smoking man, you name it).

You begin with all the basic moves and moves from your previous playbook.

Choose one special move:

[] Believer: Gain +1 for all Act Under Pressure and Lore moves when dealing with beings from Beyond.
[] Electronically Simplified: Reduce Intellect by one and increase Fitness by one. Gain +1forward to Influence move when making threats.
[] Orders from Above: When able to make a call roll+Presence:
On a 10+, They’ll do it.
On a 7-9, They’ll do it, but become suspicious or agitated.
On a miss, the situation escalates.
[] Protector: Whenever another character takes harm in the same scene, you may Roll+Fitness. If you succeed you may shift all harm from that character to you. On a 10+ reduce the Harm by one and increase their Trust to you by one.

The Deep Move
You automatically start with your Deep Move.

Fringe Bureau: If you have contact for to your superiors you may ask one device for a test run, roll+Deep.
On a 10+, choose 3.
On a 7-9, you choose 1, GM chooses 1
- The item is delivered
- The item has a tag (maybe be chosen multiple times for different tags)
- You are expected to give a full report
- The item goes missing
- Someone is searching for the item
On a miss, GM chooses 3

You start with:
agency ID card [forged or reliable] +1 to Influence moves when suitable
short distance radio with earplug
small sidearm of your choice
clean black suit
black shades

Choose two of the following:
bulletproof vest [1armor]
additional firearm [hidden]
d6 doses of amphetamine [illegal, hidden, addictive]
walkie talkie
auto [reliable or expensive]

The Avenger
This is your basic "he who fights the monsters" kind of an approach.

You begin with all the basic moves and moves from your previous playbook.

Choose one special moves:

[] Dear Diary: Whenever you encounter a new kind of being from the Beyond, gain +1exp.
[] Doomed the Die: When you suffer a lethal amount of Harm you may make one last Fight move against your opponent. Add +2 to the roll.
[] Killer Instinct: When you cause Harm, increase the Harm by 1.
[] Solitare: You may spend 1exp. to add +3 to any roll if unassisted.
[] Trunkful of Weaponry: When the need arises you have the right weapon in your disposal.

The Deep Move

[] I Know This Beast: When you encounter something from Beyond, roll+Deep.
On a 10+, you have encountered something like this before. GM will tell you about about it and how it can be killed. Gain 1clue.
On a 7-9, you know someone who can give you the info. You own them one. Gain 1clue.
On a miss, it is something you hold a grudge against. Suffer -1ongoing against it.


You start with:
sawed-off shotgun
box full of shotgun shells
knife (big, scary)

Choose two of the following:
old ouija board (weird)
old american car (reliable)
tattoo or talisman (protective)
bulletproof vest (1armor)

The Collector
This is the collector from such Lovecraft's stories as the Hound. Someone collecting items and information that the mankind was not meant to know.

You begin with all the basic moves and moves from your previous playbook.

Choose one special moves:

[] Calculative: You may use roll+Intellect instead of roll+presence when making using Influence move.
[] Connected: You may use Presence instead of Deep when taking the Lore move. You cannot suffer Taint in this way but whenever you would the situation escalates.
[] Familiar with the Goods: When you use Lore move to study an item, gain +1.
[] I’ve Got a Buyer for That: Each time you find an item via Investigate move you can trade it for one Experience when you get to sell it.   
[] Provider: When you need something mundane that might be hard to get, roll+Intellect.
On a 10+, you get it.
On 7-9, you get it but someone wants something in return.
On a miss, you don’t get it but someone might be interested to buy it later.

The Deep Move
[] Personal Collection: Once per session you may take the Investigate move with roll+Deep to go through your personal collection.


You start with:
vallet full of cash
storage container (modern security)
various small collectibles

Choose two of the following:
a set of lockpicks
cast iron safe [warded]
pocket handgun [small]
personal library (+1 for moves on one subject, requires time)

« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 06:28:41 AM by doc_cthulhu »
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2014, 07:10:52 AM »
Had an excellent session yesterday. So great in fact that I ended up writing 1508 words on it. And it all started out with an innocent love letter from me to a player. Great fun was had yes!


I also updated the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EldritchSigils
« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 10:44:59 AM by doc_cthulhu »
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2014, 01:32:44 PM »
We had a big photo shoot this Monday for the images used in this hack. There is still a lot of work to be done as I have just recently understood some major flaws in the system. Hopefully I'll have the energy to go through it all once again to make it more worthwhile.

One of the major things that require work is the main idea of this hack. "Hunting supernatural monsters" is a good starting point but it has been refined in our test games into something more concrete. This hack will be about trying to survive in a fractured world. Though nobody sees it, the world is falling apart. There are holes in the fabric of reality and this is what the characters will be dealing with. Sure these holes might spawn some monsters (I mean why the hell not?) but they represent a bigger threat. Think them as the gates in tv-show Fringe, but with more X-Files/Twin Peaks/Lovecraftian touch. If you would be up for that kind of thing, this hack would/could explain to you why the world ended and spawned the Apocalypse World - I know I will be playing it this way.
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2014, 08:32:51 AM »
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2014, 12:42:47 PM »
I'm now considering of returning to this hack from a different point of view.

This time I'm interested in creating a hack that draws inspiration from Conspiracy X/Delta Green (and quite possibly XCOM). The discussion started HERE and it got me thinking that maybe I should actually do this.

Things I'm currently thinking:
- Cell generation as the beginning step of the campaign (something similar to Conspiracy X)
- Strings (borrowed from Urban Shadows, debt were called strings earlier, right?)
- Replacing "trust" with "bonds"
- Re-thinking the basic moves and stats
- Playbooks maybe covering the various different entry points to the "Bureau" (similar to Conspiracy X)

I'm also thinkin wether I should use the normal 2d method or tweak it a bit so that players get to roll more dice (who doesn't love dice?!).

Original work will be incorporated most likely as an alternative "faction".
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2014, 02:59:01 PM »
I think playbooks as entry points is maybe not the best road to go down with a game like this.

Playbooks have to be about who your character is, not who your character was before the agency (whatever that agency happens to be)

Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2014, 01:37:51 PM »
So after a long hiatus and testing other hacks and systems I'm back working on this hack. There are a lot of changes, the most visible being the fact that this hack uses skills, dice pool and chips. A lot of whacky stuff but that's just what our group likes. Here's what I've come up with for now: LINK (pdf)
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2015, 11:55:25 AM »
After a couple of sessions of playtesting most parts seem to be working. Some minor alteration is needed though.

Here is my feelings of the first session we had: http://blog.guildredemund.net/2015/03/15/door-of-shadows-creating-the-campaign-setup/
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Re: Wayward Sons
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2015, 09:24:30 AM »
Today I talk about how we have used the Legacy Tokens to seal in events in our campaign world - ie. how the players have had their say in the events their characters take part:

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