foreign newbie questions

  • 10 Replies
foreign newbie questions
« on: August 27, 2013, 06:43:29 PM »

DW sounds really awesome (kinda like our first AD&D-experience, before we understood it's rules :-)). I want to run DW for my group, but I think due to the language barrier, there are some things I don't understand fully.

Carouse: Does everybody need to spend 100 coin separatly? Does everybody roll, or just one roll for the whole group?

Hirelings: Who distributes the points among the hirelings skills? GM or players?

As for a Hireling-Skill:
Protector/Intervene: "If you do you cannot get a 10+..." sounds strange. I guess this just means "If you cannot get 10+ without the hireling, treat 10+ as 7-9"!?

I guess I'll have other questions later.

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 09:46:02 PM »
1. Whoever kind of leads the party or organizes it makes the roll and spends the coin, so just one roll.

2. The GM distributes the points.

3. Basically, what it means is that you will always suffer some cost for using the hireling to defy danger (typically the hireling getting hurt for you), so that's where the "can't get a 10+" comes from.

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2013, 05:31:38 PM »
Thanks Inferno. The way I did read it, it wasn't clear whether you cant't get 10+ at all, or just if you can't get 10+ without the hireling, (say due to a debility you roll 2d6-3, so without the Protector's +1 you could never get to 10).

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2013, 07:09:07 PM »
A Question for the hireling Adept: There seeems to be no skill-use, involving the actual skill-number of the hireling. Do I read this right, or is there something "lost in translation"?

(As for the protector-skill: It finally clicked. Reading it as "If you do [take the +1] you cannot get a 10+" it makes perfect sense. Kinda embrassed. Why didn't I read it theclick before?).

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2013, 12:41:27 AM »
A Question for the hireling Adept: There seeems to be no skill-use, involving the actual skill-number of the hireling. Do I read this right, or is there something "lost in translation"?

An adept is only useful for spellcasting characters. When an adept helps you cast a spell, and the spell level is less than the adept's skill, that spell has greater effect... somehow. It's up to the DM how.

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2013, 12:17:20 PM »
Actually, I totally over-read that and can't even blame the language barrier, but rather my faulty concentration :)

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2013, 04:53:10 PM »
Carouse: Does everybody need to spend 100 coin separatly? Does everybody roll, or just one roll for the whole group?

I think the other questions were well-answered, but I wanted to point out, you could having dueling parties, like if Grimley the dwarf wants to have a drunken pub crawl and Arrendal the wizard wants to have a classy ball where he can look dashingly grumpy and show off his new robes, they can each pay the 100 and carouse separately.

- Alex

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2013, 01:41:20 PM »
I also have a hand full of questions.
How does ammo work?
How does rations and distances work?
Since the manual dosen't address the topic, how should I handle mounted combat? If I a PC gets to ride a dragon, what do I do? Do I just follow the fiction?
Also how do I handle with large scale battles like sieges or just plain field battles between realms?

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2013, 02:00:49 PM »
How does ammo work?
On a 7-9, the player can spend 1-ammo instead of choosing another bad option.
On any given hard move, the GM can use up ammo if appropriate.
A player without ammo can't attack with the appropriate weapon.

How does rations and distances work?
Estimate how many days the trip will work, depending on travel method, conditions, terrain, etc.
For each day, they have to spend 1-ration.

Since the manual dosen't address the topic, how should I handle mounted combat? If I a PC gets to ride a dragon, what do I do? Do I just follow the fiction?
Follow the fiction, of course!
You can also make a custom move or a few, like...

When you mount the unruly dragon, roll+cha. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 3. On a miss, if you offer him something he wants, still hold 1. Spend your hold to...
- have him breath fire
- have him soak attacks for you
- have him get in close and attack

When you spend your last hold, if he likes you, he'll carry you until he can safely land but that's it. If he doesn't... hope you can land on your feet!

Also how do I handle with large scale battles like sieges or just plain field battles between realms?
There's no one way to handle it.
You can play much like any situation of course - tell the PCs what's going on, ask them what they do, tell them what happens next, loop and repeat.

To add some helpful hints, though, think about the overall course of the battle if the PCs don't interfere.
Think about, broadly, how it'll play out.
Maybe even make a clock/countdown or a few of them for different parts of the battle.

Then, give the PCs a chance to sway things (or just foul it up, if they're the sort).
You can also use a custom move or a few, like...

When you strike a blow against the enemy forces (kill or capture an important figure, seize high ground, destroy a siege engine, or the like) and everyone sees it, roll+cha. On a hit, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 3 instead. Spend your hold to:
- frighten or awe a group of enemies
- order your allies to seize a point
- order your allies to focus their attacks
- order your allies to support your maneuver

Whatever you choose, your allies fight to the best of their abilities, emboldened by your success.

- Alex

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2013, 02:11:41 PM »
About the ammo I think I wasen't clear enough.
What I don't understand is what 1-ammo. Is it 1 arrow? (Theres somewhere in the manual that says that it is the amount of arrows in hand but I don't understand that).

For the other questions, thank you very much!

Re: foreign newbie questions
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2013, 05:18:57 PM »
It's an abstraction.
For specific number of arrows, I don't know, you can estimate a number, like maybe 20 arrows / ammo?
But don't bother making anyone count them.
It's really a "how long until I run out of arrows?" clock :)

- Alex