Grim Portents 1 sent to contributors, soon public; suggest a theme for issue 2

  • 8 Replies
Hi folks,

Issue 2

We need a theme! Post your suggestions here or email me (

Issue 1

Issue 1 of Grim Portents has been completed and advance (electronic) copies sent to every contributor. After they’ve had it for a few days, I’ll share it with the rest of the world (if you want an advance copy, I’ll send it to you if you promise to write a review of it).

Reflections on the Process

As you might know, I’d originally planned to release issue 1 in the last weeks of January. Part of the delays were unavoidable – laptop breaking, unexpected full time employment, etc – but the problem was exacerbated by my deciding to do the layout myself, my micromanaging of the feedback stage of the process and the need to develop templates for contributions.

Having learned from that, for issue 2 I’ll be managing the feedback stage differently and asking the community for people keen to do layout (I had a few offers to do this for issue 1, so I’m sure we’ll get a response). I’ll also update the Grim Portents Submission Guide and include templates that people can work off of.

There was a suggestion that we charge for the magazine, either to pay contributors or to donate to charity. I won’t be doing this for issue 2, but I’d like to set up an optional donation button – with contributions going to commissioning an artwork or two.

The Process

2 APR: Open suggestions for the theme of issue 2; alert people that it’s coming.

5, 6, or 7 APR: Release issue 1 to the public; formally open submissions for issue 2; formally request feedback-providers for issue 2.

As people make submissions, they’ll be connected with a feedback-provider who’ll work with them to improve the submission. When the submitter is happy with the submission, they’ll pass it along to me.

I’ll do the basic formatting of the articles (e.g. standardise the styles used in the contribution).

When artists approach me, I’ll suggest articles that they can illustrate.

Around 22 APR: Written submissions will close for issue 2. All those who have already submitted will be asked to submit a final version of their contribution by 29 APR.

Around 29 APR: All articles will be passed on to the layout person. Artists will be asked to submit at least a sketch/outline of their work at this time, and then they’ll have a couple of weeks to complete the final work while the layout person is doing the layout.

When the layout person and the artists are finished, the issue will be released to contributors.
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit



  • 777
I'll review issue one if you like :)
Um, sorry I diidn't contribute to issue one for various real life fabric disturbances, but I have some ideas ready to roll for issue 2, thus my suggestion for the theme is 'Make Maps, Leave Blanks...' focusing on minimal prep gaming for Dungeon World.

I'll review issue one if you like :)
Um, sorry I diidn't contribute to issue one for various real life fabric disturbances, but I have some ideas ready to roll for issue 2, thus my suggestion for the theme is 'Make Maps, Leave Blanks...' focusing on minimal prep gaming for Dungeon World.

PM sent :)

I love Make Maps, Leave Blanks as a theme!
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit



  • 378
For some reason, my PMs don't seem to work on this forum. I will definitely review it over on SomethingAwfuland will happily contribute toward the project. My contact info can be found in the Beginner's Guide or you can try PMing me here and we'll see if it works this time.

What would one do as a contributor if one has not received a copy of this thing?
"That which does not kill you has made a tactical error."

Hey Gornul, I actually submitted a post about it to these forums - I think it must be awaiting moderation. Issue 1 has now been released to the public.

I'm sorry that as a contributor you missed the advance copy. Under what name did you contribute?
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

I'm terribly sorry, I read "contributor" and my brain somehow heard "kickstarter backer."  I'll probably work something up for the next issue, though!
"That which does not kill you has made a tactical error."



  • 13
I would like see in future an "economic system" for Fantasy economy.
A larger "equipment list". More objects, services, things related to economy (taxes, money lenders, banks)  and rules to search, buy and sell objects.
Also rules for Guilds could be helpful. Why a Guild? what offers you? how much it costs?

also it would be useful a "table of jobs" with risks, employment moves, incomes, live expenses for each class.

Not always the PC are down in the dungeons, a 360/degrees RPFG needs rules for when adventurers are not available for active missions. Sometime happens a group needs a month of rest in Babbakesh and the Ranger could work as guide or scout for the Army, the Thief could join a local criminal gang, the Warrior could work as bodyguard or serve in the "Militia" for a few weeks. Just make a couple of rolls and see what happens, how much coins are gained, if there are "incidents".

Great ideas, ecz. Hopefully they inspire someone!

The first drafts of written submissions for Grim Portents issue 2 are due in a week's time (22 April). First sketches of artistic submissions are due in a fortnight's time (29 April; finals due around the 6th of April), so if you're interested in illustrating something and that turn around works for you, please get in touch.

The theme is Wine-Dark Sea, but you don't have to write to the theme. Content that was originally posted elsewhere is also accepted. Submissions must be Creative Commons Attribution or Attribution-ShareAlike licensed. My email is

Still on the fence? Here's a great review from Noofy of the first issue:

 A fanzine is a nonprofessional and nonofficial publication produced by fans of a particular cultural phenomenon for the pleasure of others who share their interest... In this case the amazing Storygame Dungeon World by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel.

Grim Portents is one such non-official publication, and copies are often offered in exchange for similar publications, or for contributions of art, articles, or letters of comment. I was lax and baulked on the chance to submit my furtive ideas for the game, so I offer you a review, in case you have not the time nor inclination to dip into this wonderful milieu.

So here is my two gold; A Love Letter to the inaugural issue of Grim Portents, a fanzine for Dungeon World (DW).

So after you have devoured the rulebook to DW, what other sources of miscallany about the game can you get your greedy little hands on? Well there is of course the rather ebullient forums over at Barf Forth Apocalyptica, back the various fan-made adventures such as Josh Mannon’s Gears triology, or now you can simply tuck up with your boutique beverage of choice and an e-copy of this brilliant fanzine.

Collated by Chris Sakaas (of Living Libre fame),  this modest first offering is liable to spell out the consequences and ask for more, what with contributors including the illustrious Mike Riverso, the fabled Johnstone Metzger and the prolific verisimilitude of Bill White for all things ‘World, (amongst others of course) this pamphlet of hotness begs for more. It has all the trappings you could want from a fanzine: New Classes, Treasures, Settings, Moves, Player Races, Extra-Planar Zaniness, articles on the development of the game, GM advice, monsters and of course an Adventure or two. Just the sort of inspiration to get your own creative juices flowing, grab your fancy pants [blank] journal that you purloined by backing the kickstarter for DW and sitting down for either some lonely DM fun, or a kick-arse session of one of the most popular re-imaginings of Hipster DnD to date.

The Artwork is muted, suggestive and highly appropriate, in the same way that the GM’s agenda and principles hang together your own vision of Dungeon World. The layout is highly readable and easily digestible, not the hyper-colour nerd-gasm that is Adventurer Magazine for instance, but rather something more congenially old sckool, in the same manner that say Grimoire was lovingly hand-typed on a manual typewriter back in 1978.

My personal favourite this issue has to be the Warrior playbook class by John Ryan. A prime example of the shrewd fan’s need to meddle with the rules as written, you end up straddling the axehaft betwixt the Fighter and the Barbarian. It is a class that screams to be played hard, with bloodlust and vitriol. With Moves like Heat of Battle that introduce a new currency of fury that can be spent on all things Druss. Ooh Baby.

The ‘zine is bound to level up in the next issue, with more art, more articles and in depth interviews, maps and maybe even a dragon centrefold. So keep your ‘inky black eyes’ on this space or over at the forums for the release of this delectable fanzine and think adventurous!
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit