Need help to understand how fighting between steadings works

  • 5 Replies
Need help to understand how fighting between steadings works
« on: February 20, 2013, 01:04:34 PM »
I would really like to get examples of how fights between steadings work, especially "opportunity". (p. 216)

Thanks !



  • 777
Re: Need help to understand how fighting between steadings works
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2013, 05:11:29 PM »
No Worries! This condition is a little more prescriptive than the others, but still, the same descriptive results apply. Just go through the conditions as you normally would between sessions...
Between each session check each of the conditions below. Go down the list and check each condition for all steadings before moving to the next. If a condition applies, apply its effects.

So if one of the steadings has developed the tag: Enmity  (The steading holds a grudge against the listed steadings.) Then you check based on defences & distance (in rations), or your own judgement whether or not an attack or war breaks out. The size of the respective steadings and their available militia resources will determine the fictional scale of the attack.

Don't forget to update the campaign map :)

The narrative result? You could just make a call as GM on who wins and the aftermath, but I'd rather turn it into a stake question and add it to the campaign front, with suitable dooms depending on whether or not the player characters embroil themselves in the situation!

Hope that helps?

Re: Need help to understand how fighting between steadings works
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2013, 09:21:00 AM »
Thanks ! You gave me clues to understand the mechanics behind. I'll show you what I think is right, please feel free to point my mistakes.

Steading A is a Keep with Garrison (So, that would be 5, right ?) for defenses.

Steading B is a Town with Watch (3)

A as enmity with B and they're at 2 rations distance.

So, that would be 5-2=3. B's defenses is 3 so they're equal. But, since A is a keep, there's +1 which means it is now 4 for A and 3 for B. A would then attack.

Did I get it ?



  • 777
Re: Need help to understand how fighting between steadings works
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2013, 05:31:33 PM »
Yup! that's it. Pretty nifty mechanic for updating tensions on your campaign map huh?  :)

But more importantly is why are the steadings at war? The enmity tag that the keep holds against the town must have come from somewhere, like a border war as suggested in the tag rules (hopefully a fictional event the players were involved in).

Tie the mechanical check that you have made with what is happening in the story. If you really want to involve the players, make the outcome of the war a stake to be answered in play.

Re: Need help to understand how fighting between steadings works
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2013, 06:13:52 PM »
Thanks for the hints ! I'll try and apply them as soon as I launch a campaign ! I only played in two one-shots so far but I plan to find a place in my schedule soonish. :)

Re: Need help to understand how fighting between steadings works
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2013, 03:45:27 PM »
I would love to see an AP thread focused on the steading rules and how they played out during a campaign. Especially, what surprises developed, and how the steading rules affected play at the table. Anyone?