Compendium Class: The Leviathan's Master

  • 4 Replies
Compendium Class: The Leviathan's Master
« on: February 17, 2013, 09:36:06 PM »
So I've got an idea for a CC. It's for those times when a party member manages to get his or her hands on something huge and useful. I approached it in a way that tries to make it genuinely cool and uniquely useful without stealing the other party members' thunder. This panel from Unsounded was a major influence, but this is really meant to work for anything that's on a whole different scale from the party, whether it's a pet dragon or a magical hovertank or what have you.


The Leviathan's Master (I really need a better, more concise name, haven't come up with one yet)

When a creature or mechanism of great magnitude passes into your hands, you may take this move when you next level up.

Elephant in the Room:
When you escalate an already charged situation by calling on your leviathan, roll with no modifier. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 6-, the GM chooses one, and the situation just got far, far worse.
- Your foes are shocked by the sudden appearance of your enormous friend. Anything bad that was about to happen is disrupted, at least for a moment.
- Your party is plucked from the situation, albeit not without any complications.
- You do not cause a great deal of collateral damage to your surroundings.
- Your leviathan does not sustain serious damage.

After, you may take the two following moves when leveling up, after discovering the potential within your leviathan or modifying it in some way.

Beast of War:
When you use Elephant in the Room, you may choose from two additional options.
- You may use your leviathan as a weapon with the tags (near OR far, messy, forceful) and twice your damage die. If you do, your roll is treated as one tier of success lower.
- Many of your foes flee in terror.

(Move needs a good title)
Your party can comfortably ride on or within your leviathan, using it as a mode of long-term transportation. Choose two:
- Your leviathan can fly.
- Your leviathan can burrow beneath the surface of the earth.
- Your leviathan is amphibious, and can safely take your party into the murky depths.
- Your leviathan can travel large distances very quickly and without horrendous complication..
- Your leviathan can shrug off extreme environments as though they were a balmy spring evening.


So, any feedback? Any additional ideas for moves? This is my first homebrewing attempt in DW, and I'm a little anxious I'm stepping on somebody else's idea already; has somebody already done this better?



  • 36
Re: Compendium Class: The Leviathan's Master
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 05:58:04 AM »
That's too harsh, I wouldn't take it.

Re: Compendium Class: The Leviathan's Master
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 11:53:19 AM »
Perhaps try this for Elephant In The Room

When you escalate an already charged situation by calling on your leviathan, roll + control. On a 10+ choose two, on a 7-9 choose one. On a 6 or less, choose one anyway, but the MC will tell you why its a bad thing,
  • Your foes are shocked, impressed, or dismayed, delaying any badness.
  • You and your allies are removed from the situation.
  • There is no collateral damage.
Whenever you ingratiate yourself to your leviathan, increase your control by one (max 3). Whenever you come into conflict with your leviathan's instinct, reduce your control by one (min -1).

Beast of War
You may lower your control by one to use your leviathan as a weapon (near/far, messy, forceful). Roll your damage die twice and take the better result when you do damage. When your foes are shocked, impressed, or dismayed, all but the most potent among them will flee in terror.

I think you should name the third one Jonah And The Whale.

Re: Compendium Class: The Leviathan's Master
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2013, 12:07:50 PM »

That's an interesting change. It definitely changes the nature of the leviathan, making it definitely a living or "living" creature instead of possibly being an inanimate object.

Still, that makes it much easier to trigger the first move. And I probably did swing too far in the negative direction the first time.

Working from there, what would be good options for the third move I've overlooked? Maybe a fourth move adding more options from the third?

Re: Compendium Class: The Leviathan's Master
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2013, 10:42:14 AM »
Meh, I can't think of any other way to make this better.

Thanks for the mechanical input, Aaron!