Post your Monsters

  • 10 Replies
Post your Monsters
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:26:00 AM »
I thought a thread for monsters that people have made might be fun.

My first offerings are stolen from/Inspired by one of the DLC campaigns of Orcs Must Die 2 (one of my favourite computer games)

Volcanic Hulk
(Solitary, large, magical, construct) 24 hp, 4 armour
Red-hot fists of stone (d10+2, close, reach, forceful, messy, 1 piercing

Some would call this an elemental, but it's form is not pure enough for that to truly be the case. Made by some wizard or otherworldly power, the Volcanic Hulk is a lumbering beast of rock, given life by trapped fire spirits.

Instinct: to crush and burn

-lumber forward without pause
-pound an obstacle to pieces
-on death, to split into a swarm of flamelings

(horde, small, magical, amorphous) 10 hp, 1 armour
Flaming death throes (b[2d6]+2, close

Spirits of fire, Flamelings seek only to consume - themselves, and everything around them.

Instinct: to burn

-live fast
-die young
-leave the flaming corpses of their victims

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 10:59:36 PM »
I'll give one a shot.  This is more like an NPC, a single beast used as part of a largr plot where a mage is learning to create golems.  This flesh golem is one of his early creations.

(unique, large, construct, slow) 13 hp, 1 armor
Claws (d8+3 close, reach, forceful, messy)
Special Qualities: Regeneration1

Natural enemies an ogre and a troll met and fought to the death.  Godo was assembled using parts salvaged from the scene of the battle.  An uncoordinated, lumbering beast, he fights with claws and brute strength.  Each time Godo takes damage, he regenerates 1 hp.

Instinct: To destroy

-rend limbs from bodies
-use smaller beings as a club

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2013, 05:57:47 PM »
I'm an unabashed fan of flumphs, especially the monastic flumph from AD&D 2nd Ed.
I just posted this guy on my blog.

Group, Small, Organized, Intelligent
Acid-Laced Spikes: (w[2d8] damage, +3 piercing) ; Hand, Close
8 HP
1 Armor
Special Qualities: Floating

While the strange flumphs originated on a bizarre and distant world, they have since made a home for themselves on Dungeon World. These quiet, peaceful creatures resemble floating jellyfish with rubbery yellow-green hide, dexterous tentacles, and inquisitive eye stalks. They speak the language of men and elves in airy, sing-song whispers.

Flumphs have a contemplative, monastic lifestyle. Small groups will congregate in remote grottos or alien spires to contemplate their weird alien gods. If assaulted, flumphs will try to blind or repel attackers with a steam of strong, noxious ichor. If pressed, they will call upon the magic of their gods for defense. Only as a last resort will they attack with the needle-sharp, acid-laced spikes hidden within their tentacles.

Instinct: To contemplate the wisdom of the High Ones

  • Disable with noxious chemicals.
  • Float in absolute silence.
  • Call upon the blessings of the High Ones.

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2013, 07:01:53 PM »
I made these monsters using the instructions in the rulebook, but if anybody has suggestions to make them better, fire away.

These two work together:

Carnivorous Tree
Huge, Reach, Solitary
20 HP
2 Armour
Sharp teeth (b[2d10]+5 damage) Reach

At first, it appears to be nothing more than an ordinary tree, but then one gets too close to it, and the tentacles reach out and the almost monkey-like heads begin to shriek and tear at whatever the tentacles bring near to it. The sounds it makes attract roaming packs of poisonous fur crabs, which eat the fruit and leaves of the carnivorous tree, thus helping it reproduce.

Instinct: To devour what moves.

*Appear to be a normal tree.
*Attract fur crab by screaming.
*Grab a foe in its tentacles.
*Retract roots and crawl slowly.

Fur Crab
6 HP
1 Armour
Pincers (1d6+2 damage, 1 piercing) Close
Special Qualities: Poisonous flesh.

Resembling hairballs with legs and eyestalks, the fur crabs roam through plains and forests, grazing and foraging in small groups. They are especially fond of the fruit and leaves of carnivorous trees, but are extremely hostile to other mobile living things. They will defend their territory from all intruders, working as a group to drive them away. They will also gather in herds for protection, and for mating and rearing their young. Because their flesh is poisonous to eat, they have no natural predators except for parasites.

Instinct: To defend territory from moving creatures.

*Attack as a group.
*Gather into a herd.
*Grab foe with pincers.

Here's what Dr. Frankenstein does all day:

Creation of Mad Science
Construct, Solitary
16 HP
1 Armour
Weapon (1d10+2 damage, forceful) Close
Special Qualities: Made from disparate parts.

Created by mad science from the parts of others, the creation of mad science is a twisted, conflicted thing. What memories still swim within those once-dead limbs, what base urges linger in that recombined genetic code? This is science that has never been tested, never been prototyped, and can never be repeated. Each creation is unique.

Instinct: To struggle between true nature and following orders.

*Fly into a rage.
*Follow true nature of disparate parts.
*Grab a foe and strangle.
*Ignore injuries.
*Obey orders.
*Reveal buried memories.

And here's three animal-combo monsters:

Devious, Group, Stealthy, Tiny
6 HP
0 Armour
Burrowing tail (1d4 damage) Hand
Special Qualities: Parasite.

The lobster-mouse is a crafty predator, subsisting on tiny invertebrates until it encounters a large animal, which it then parasitizes. By burrowing its tail into the flesh of a host and contacting the nervous system, the lobster-mouse overrides the brain’s commands in place of its own, taking over the host’s body.

Instinct: To invade.

*Burrow into a creature’s flesh.
*Control a host’s actions.
*Drop from the ceiling.
*Scuttle away.

Maggot Wolf
6 HP
0 Armour
Bite (1d8 damage) Close

This ugly creature is most often seen in the company of depraved alien wizards, who use it as an attack dog. The maggot wolf stands as tall as a man when, instead of crawling along the ground, it rears up to attack with tooth and claw. Its slime is particularly hard to wash off.
(comes with a picture: it looks like a giant maggot with human arms and a hairless wolf's head)

Instinct: To obey the master's commands.

*Attack by surprise.
*Do tricks.
*Leave a trail of slime in its wake.

Large, Solitary, Terrifying
16 HP
3 Armour
Bite (1d10+1 damage) Close
Special Qualities: Metaspectrum vision, Poisonous stinger.   

The dreaded scorpion-pig stands motionless in the open for hours on end, until it picks a target. Then it charges and attacks mercilessly. Its pincers are surprisingly blunt, and only used to prod and poke—its teeth and poison stinger are the real threats.

Instinct: Attack! Attack! Attack!

*Charge a foe.
*Stab with poisoned stinger.
*Trample foe.

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 01:29:12 PM »
Creation of Mad Science
Construct, Solitary
16 HP
1 Armour
Weapon (1d10+2 damage, forceful) Close
Special Qualities: Made from disparate parts.

Created by mad science from the parts of others, the creation of mad science is a twisted, conflicted thing. What memories still swim within those once-dead limbs, what base urges linger in that recombined genetic code? This is science that has never been tested, never been prototyped, and can never be repeated. Each creation is unique.

Instinct: To struggle between true nature and following orders.

*Fly into a rage.
*Follow true nature of disparate parts.
*Grab a foe and strangle.
*Ignore injuries.
*Obey orders.
*Reveal buried memories.

Love the description for this one.  I've never been big on the mad scientist archetype in a fantasy setting (seems more steam-punk), but this description really fits the fiction.

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2013, 05:39:46 AM »
Cool. I wrote up a bunch of science fantasy monsters, but I thought these ones could work for trad/other fantasy as well.

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2013, 04:30:04 PM »
I've got a couple I posted a while back, suppose I may as well repost them here.  Worth noting that my Hobgoblins are much more elite than the norm, and you might want to nerf them a bit if you want standard fantasy Hobgoblins.


Hobgoblin, Group, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious
Longsword (d8 damage), 6 HP, 3 Armor

Instinct: Follow orders

Hobgoblins are brutal conquistadors, preying on weak nations nearby for fresh supplies of slave labor and natural resources.  The fact that they form organized, self-sustaining nations means you can establish surprisingly cordial trade relations, sure, but have you considered the drawbacks of combining a goblin's cruelty with a human's capability for strategy and logistics, not to mention their taste for imperialism?

-Volley with longbows from a safe distance
-Form a defensive formation with allies and advance into unconquered territory
-Make a tactical retreat, and return with reinforcements

Hobgoblin Champion, Solitary, Organized, Intelligent, Messy
Axe or Longsword (2d10+2*b damage, 2 piercing), 16 HP, 2 Armor

Instinct: Seek glory in battle

Skilled warriors trained with an almost fanatical desire to win glory in battle, but no less capable of working within the strictly organized Hobgoblin warbands, these champions are fearsome opponents on the battlefield, an elite class that often come to receive more respect from their underlings than the officers who actually lead the armies.

-Charge heedlessly into battle
-Cleave through multiple opponents at once

Hobgoblin officer, Solitary, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious
Longsword (d10 damage), 12 HP, 3 Armor

Instinct: To conquer

Someone's got to be on top of the hierarchy.

-Direct minions
-Sack vulnerable steadings

Bubgear, Group, Intelligent, Large, Forceful, Messy
Mace (d8+3 damage, 1 Piercing), 10 HP, 1 Armor
Close, Reach

Instinct: To bully weaker creatures

Rarely less than 8-feet tall, these creatures are what happens when you crossbreed goblins with ogres.  Though not quite as tall as their ogrish ancestors, they are more than willing to demonstrate that they are nonetheless quite capable of caving in the skull of anyone who should irritate them.

-Hurl boulders
-Accept tribute from lackeys

Demons and Devils

Succubus, Solitary, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Planar
Barbed wings (d6 damage), 12 HP

Special Qualities: Wings

If you don't know the gist of this one, you're probably too young anyway.  Steals your soul with a kiss, never seems to be wearing more than about a yard of fabric, etc. etc.

Instinct: To steal the souls of mortals

-Seduce a mortal
-Steal life and energy with a kiss
-Turn friends and allies against one another

Marilith, Solitary, Large, Messy, Intelligent, Cautious, Planar
Scimitars (2d10*b+3 damage, 2 Piercing), 16 HP, 2 Armor
Close, Reach

Special Qualities: Six-armed

Instinct: To slaughter the enemies of Hell

One of the most fearsome fiends the lower planes have yet produced, bottom half of a snake, top half of a woman, nearly ten feet tall all told, and with six arms, each wielding a hell-forged scimitar of steel that carves through armor like it were made of paper.  And worse, they're rarely caught without a posse of fiendish followers or cultists mad enough to summon the thing...

-Attack with multiple weapons
-Conjure Hellfire
-Direct fiendish minions

Balor, Solitary, Huge, Magical, Forceful, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying
Sword of flame (2d10*b+7 damage, ignores armor), 20 HP, 4 Armor

Special Qualities: Wings, wreathed in flame

Instinct: To bring torment and despair to mortals

Demonic generals wreathed in fire and fueled by nothing but hate and the consumed souls of the innocent, the Balors are the most terrifying creatures ever to emerge from the pits of Hell.  Even to draw near to them is to risk your skin being melted off by the searing heat and raw evil that radiates from them at all times.

-Consume those nearby with overwhelming aura of evil and terror
-Direct the armies of Hell
-Conjure Hellfire
-Manipulate mortals into summoning itself or its minions into the Material Plane

Bearded Devil, Group, Large, Intelligent, Planar, Messy, Organized
Vicious spear (2d8*b+3 damage, 2 piercing), 10 HP, 2 Armor
Close, Reach

Instinct: To destroy the enemies of the lower planes

The feared shock troopers of the lower planes, powerful demons and devils are often accompanied by a squad of these creatures as bodyguards.

-Charge the enemy with spears leveled
-Intimidate mortals into offering tribute or summoning allies

Erinyes, Solitary, Intelligent, Planar, Messy
Burning longsword (2d10*b+2 damage, 3 Piercing), 12 HP, 5 Armor

Special Qualities: Wings

Instinct: To conquer the enemies of Hell

These angels of Hell are some of the highest ranking officers in the hierarchies of the lower planes.  Though typically encountered alone (or at least, not with others of their own kind), demonic generals like Balors will often have two or three on hand as bodyguards and advisors.

-Conjure Hellfire
-Cleave through multiple enemies in one fell sweep of her sword
-Direct fiendish minions

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2013, 10:38:09 PM »
Another one that came from my blog...

The Skull Witch
Intelligent, Magical, Solitary
Evil Eye: (1d10 damage, ignores armor) close, near, far
16 HP
4 Armor

The Skull Witch (her true name is lost to history) was a foul sorceress in Times of Old. Upon her death she was rejected from Death's kingdom for being too unpleasant. She eventaully became mentor and lover to Radmanthus the Crimson Necromancer. When the necromancer was destroyed in his failed attampt at lichdom, the Skull Witch was heart-broken. Now she resides Radmanthus's former sanctum, lamenting her lost love and lashing out at interlopers.

The skull witch is always attended by her collection of flying skulls.

Instinct:  To bring misery.
  • Bind nether-spirits to her will.
  • Curse with a word.
  • Tear your skull right out of your head!

Flying Skulls
Horde, Tiny
Gnasty Gnawing Teeth: (1d6 damage) hand, messy
7 HP
0 Armor
Special Qualities: Flying

After the Skull Witch removes the skull of a victim, she binds into it a foul spirit from the Darkest Nether. The skull gains an evil cunning and vicious temperament  Flying skulls will swarm the Witch's enemies, biting, gnawing, and tearing at them with sharp, hungry teeth. 

Instinct:  To protect the Skull Witch.

  • Gibber horrendous blasphemies.
  • Dart through the air at dizzying speeds.
  • Gnaw your face off!

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2013, 06:32:56 AM »
I created these guys to occupy a map I made.

Sludge Dwarves
Cautious, Intelligent, Organized
Sludge Thrower: (1d8 damage) close, near
6 HP
3 Armor

The Sludge Dwarves plumb the poisonous depths of the Deep Down Bellow, mining, collecting, and refining the most noxious and dangerous of alchemical substances under the earth. They sell these chemicals to the various factions of the Deep Down Bellow as well as evil wizards and alchemists on the surface world.

Sludge Dwarves are thinner and more wiry than other dwarves, with greasy green-black beards and hair. Their gray skin is mottled with scaly patches and unhealthy purple lumps. Their clothing and gear are perpetually covered in gritty brown slime. The sludge thrower is disgusting hand-held weapon connected by a hose to a tank full of caustic slime worn on the user's back.

Instinct: To spread foulness

  • Cause debilitating infection.
  • Resist poisons completely.
  • Present an organized front.

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2013, 08:47:39 AM »
Gelatinous Tesseract
Solitary, Huge, Stealthy, Amorphous, Planar
Engulf (d8+3, Ignores Armour) Hand
23 HP
Special Qualities: Transparent, variable size

They mocked me! They LAUGHED! They said that my research into new forms of ooze was pointless. That there was nothing original that could be done with slimes, jellies and puddings. Nothing impressed those simple-minded, unimaginative fools. The Instant Grey Ooze? "Unreliable". The Stealth Black Pudding? "Pointless". Magnetic Green Slime? "Too risky". Pah! Well, soon they'll be laughing on the other sides of their faces. The gelatinous cube has long been the pinnacle of artificial oozes, but NO MORE! With my mastery of planar magic and bioengineering, I have wrought a beast that transcends the limits of a mere three dimensions! BEHOLD MY CREATION!

Instinct: To clean.
  • Appear from nowhere and expand to fill a room or corridor.
  • Rotate in four-dimensional space, causing objects within it to vanish.
  • Trap someone within itself.
  • Dissolve stone, metal, or flesh.

Re: Post your Monsters
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2013, 10:59:47 AM »
Swarm of rats
(One rat is Tiny and found in Hordes, but a swarm is normal sized and Solitary)
Hundreds of tiny gnawing jaws (d8) Hand
12 HP
Special Qualities: Swarm.

Oh, great gods below, there's hundreds of them!

Instinct: To feast.
  • Swarm over somebody and drag them down under weight of bodies
  • Climb into packs and devour rations
  • Disperse, only to regroup and strike again
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 11:52:35 AM by Valtiel »