Hello guys.
I'm new on the forum, new to Apocalypse World.
Great game, who really change the way i look roleplaying game. Thank to you Vincent.
But in RPG, there is a design principle i like : when your good at something you roll more dice. A dice pool. So tried to "hack" the AW roll.
First you need to add 2 to each stats (not Hx).
When the rules demand a stat roll (not Hx), roll (score+bonus)d10. called Xd10. You always roll one die, even if X is 0 or less.
If you have at least one 10, count as a critical success (10+).
If you have at least one 8-9, count as a partial sucess (7-9).
Else it's a miss.
You can kick an advanced success from an advanced move if you have at least two 10.
Easy !
Let's talk about pro and con of this hack. It's war against the 2d6 supremacy ;-)
About statistic result : it's similar when the stat is between -1 et +4. Well maybe not +4. I have done the math for you.
Stat %critical %Failure
2d6/Xd10 2d6/Xd10 2d6/Xd10
-1 1 08% 10% 72% 70%
0 2 16% 19% 58% 49%
+1 3 27% 28% 41% 34%
+2 4 41% 35% 27% 24%
+3 5 58% 41% 16% 16%
+4 6 72% 48% 08% 11%
Xd10 have a limitation with malus, as you will always roll one die. So it's not working with Hx. 2d6 have a limitation when bonus going high, with +5 go 100% success's chance.
Xd10 add a degree of success by counting the number of dice which score 8+. It's more about roleplay and game fiction than a rule mechanic but i like that.
Xd10 is easy to test. just play the hack during a session, if you don't like it undo.
Hacking the hack. You can use D20 instead of D10. count 19-20 like a critical and 15-18 like partial success. This will work well with Dungeon world, isn't it ?
Please excuse my grammar as i'm not comfortable with English. I hope you found my post interesting, as i found yours very interesting :-)
Voila !