Alternate Hx rules (à la Dungeon World)

  • 4 Replies
Alternate Hx rules (à la Dungeon World)
« on: January 15, 2013, 07:40:13 AM »
Okay, here's another port. I can't say I've played enough AW or DW, or played around enough with the design of either, to say that one system fits better than the other to a certain game. But I do like the Bonds system, and I don't think it's a bad fit for AW, at least. So I wrote up a bonds hack, replacing the Hx rules. There's an added bonus of having the Hx assignment not be a double moebius round-robin – you just dole out all your bonds in order.

Here's a link to the document.

Feel free to comment, either here or in the doc (insert->comment or something).

Re: Alternate Hx rules (à la Dungeon World)
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 09:18:14 AM »
As an update, we're playing with these rules in our new game, and after first session it feels like they're working out. I might drop in with more thoughts after a few sessions.



  • 59
Re: Alternate Hx rules (à la Dungeon World)
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 07:01:55 PM »
Any word on how these have been playing out?
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Re: Alternate Hx rules (à la Dungeon World)
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2013, 10:01:33 AM »
I feel like they could be simplified: Make all bonds positive instead of negative.

Re: Alternate Hx rules (à la Dungeon World)
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2013, 08:32:11 AM »
(Arvid is the MC in that campaign, I'm a player)

I think they work out just fine. They do't feel like an obvious improvement, but not worse either. Now, not all the players are well read-up on all rules, and sometimes mostly go along, like "okay, so now you increase your Hx with me by 1" "What was that again?" "Those numbers in the middle, what's it say for Transfer?" and so on. With bonds, I don't think anyone but me and Arvid made sure to read and understand the document before we started playing, so there has been a fair bit of this, too – more than there would have been if we'd used the original Hx rules. So I consider the rules a failure for simplifying things. It doesn't seem to be more intuitive for our players than Hx. Maybe for a group who has played a lot of Dungeon World, though.

I would be okay with doing what Arvid says, and make everything positive.