Campaign Starter Booklets

  • 3 Replies
Campaign Starter Booklets
« on: January 06, 2013, 10:45:41 PM »
Hey guys, I have something of a selfish question. See, I'm thinking about putting together a "published" campaign starter, sort of like an adventure module. I'm thinking it'll contain a short description of an area, notable locations and NPCs, a few Fronts with related Dangers and Grim Portents, new items and monsters, and a bunch of set up questions to get things rolling. Mease19's dungeon starters are great, but I really don't just want to just copy what he did.

So, my question is this: When you've run a Dungeon World game from a "module" what have been the most useful elements? I realize different people get inspired by different things, but I want to be sure that I'm including enough material for module to be useful while still leaving "blanks to be filled in".
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Re: Campaign Starter Booklets
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2013, 06:25:23 AM »
I would go with cool ideas not entirely developed, some settings have presented that for D&D, where they throw a cool idea that is not entirely described in the book, it is something enticing.

Overall I am now avoiding knowing everything about a place, person or thing, leaving room to define it via play, a module that would see the most use in my game would have some fleshed out stuff and some left open, like  presenting a werewolf in a small town and yet not saying who is it while still fleshing out the important NPCs.
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Re: Campaign Starter Booklets
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 06:30:13 AM »



  • 378
Re: Campaign Starter Booklets
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2013, 10:24:59 PM »
I love Marshall's batch of dungeon starters. My favorite part is the list of scenes/evocative details... I think they might be called Impressions? Those totally nail it for me and give me tons of workable ideas and brainstorms. I'm also total shit with maps, so some basic maps would be real helpful; blanks included of course. NPCs with goals are helpful, as are factions. Leaving the actual "goal" of the adventure as a blank is cool, I feel like anyone can come up with "rescue this guy" or locate this thing" and it's best left to the PCs anyway. So mostly, evocative setting elements are what I'm after.

Oh oh oh, and write the opening scene! A little blurb like "this is how you start" would be great for me personally.