New skin - The Fury

  • 2 Replies
New skin - The Fury
« on: January 10, 2013, 03:54:07 PM »
I thought folks here might be interested in this. It's basically a skin for playing Carrie, or any other psychic-teen-gets-revenge type character.

I have some other skins done but not laid out as playbooks yet, I'll post them here when they look nice. ^_^

All I ask is that you share this skin freely instead of trading it. Oh, and if you use it in your game, I'd love to hear about how it went.

Re: New skin - The Fury
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2013, 07:37:59 AM »
Ooooooh, looks nice... Printed and ready for use.

Re: New skin - The Fury
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2013, 08:25:41 AM »
Looks interesting, some comments, for what they're worth.

Futile hope: the better you roll, the fewer options you have.  I can kinda see why, but it seems kinda unintuitive.  If you have a high Dark, you're not only powerfully dark, you're also able to control it better.  I feel the 7-9 and 10+ options should be swapped.

Poltergeist: it's unclear how much harm this does.  0-1 as per unarmed?  Also, it's unclear what the limitations of your telekinesis is.  Can you *only* use it to 'lash out physically', or can you use it for pranks to merely embarass your tormentors?  If the former, why would you take this over 'firestarter'?  They seem to cover similar ground, but 'firestarter' is more interesting.

Push: Are there limits on the command?  Blatantly suicidal orders like 'Jump off this roof', for example?  Also, does the betrayed bonus take effect for either level of success?  (It seems to, just want to be clear.)

Scanners: while betrayed, you can use this on groups.  On a 7-9, do you suffer 1-harm if you choose that option once per *use* or *target*?

The Shining: questions of limitations.  Do you have to see them?  Do your gazes have to be locked?  Is the 'being inside their head' considered a motive?  Given the way 'Manipulate an NPC' works (negotiation, trade, action), I'm a bit unclear as to how this would actually physically work purely psychically.

To be clear: I like this.  I'm downloading it.  I'm just a bit unclear on some things.