Calling for submissions for a Dungeon World zine (submissions close 1 Jan 2013)

  • 13 Replies
Hi folks,

I've given myself the holiday project of putting together a Dungeon World zine by the 21st of January. At this stage, I'm planning to keep it fairly modest: I'd be happy with something six or more pages long, laid out in LibreOffice, with a bit of public domain art to spice it up.

I'd really like to fill the zine with your contributions. One motivation for this project is that I feel like there's a lot of mostly-written to totally-done content that gets lost in the forums or the Google Plus group, and the zine could be an excuse to polish it up and preserve it for posterity. But you're also very welcome to submit never-seen-before stuff too.

I'd also like to make it totally Creative Commons Attribution (EDIT: or Attribution-ShareAlike) licensed. If that's a problem, I'm sorry, but it's not something I'm willing to compromise on at this stage.

Please email all contributions to me at sanglorian AT gmail DOT com

Submissions will close on the 1st of January.

Written contributions
These don't have to be huge. A letter to the editor or a single custom move that you're happy with would be great. Longer entries are also welcome.

I'm happy to publish World of Dungeons content as well. WoD is not licensed under Creative Commons Attribution, so I'll approach John Harper and try to sort something out if we end up getting any WoD contributions.

You can put the contribution in the body of your email, or attach an ODT, RTF, DOC or DOCX file.

If you'd be keen to illustrate an article, please get in touch. You could also provide an existing illustration and ask someone to write an article to accompany it.

I'll publish, for free, advertisements for a DW product if the product is entirely Creative Commons Attribution licensed.

Joining the Editorial Board
If you'd like to look over the contributions and give advice to the authors, please get in touch with me. I think this could be really useful, if experienced monster creators and compendium class creators and so on could give feedback to contributors. I don't feel like I have enough experience with DW myself to give advice.


If you have any comments or feedback, please get in touch!
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 12:26:22 AM by Sanglorian »
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Hey folks,

Just wanted to let you know that I've also written a submissions guide if you were looking for ideas.
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Some people have blogs where they write about Dungeon World. Maybe some of their posts could be harvested? If they allow it of course.
I just recently started a blog on my gaming experiences on

Some people have blogs where they write about Dungeon World. Maybe some of their posts could be harvested? If they allow it of course.

Good idea! Which blogs would you recommend?
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

I don't read that many blogs, just noticed some people had them, from their signatures :)

I just started my own, but I haven't actually made a post about Dungeon World yet.
I just recently started a blog on my gaming experiences on

I just wrote a short example in my blog on how to use "draw unwanted attention" as a GM to save the a PC.

Feel free to use it if you want to :)
I just recently started a blog on my gaming experiences on

I'm cooking up something to contribute. Though crazy time of year is proving challenging to find the focus.

Hey folks,

Just a reminder that there's one more week to get your submissions in! We've got a good collection already but we could still use more.

Also, any suggestions on what we could call the zine? I've thought of:

  • World Magazine (riffing on Dungeon Magazine and Dragon Magazine, but pretty vague!
  • The Front (my current favourite)
  • Dungeon World Zine (straight and to the point)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 01:58:21 AM by Sanglorian »
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit



  • 134
What about Grim Portents?

I like Grim Portents!
I started a blog to share my pain:

All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license visit

Grim Portents is excellent :D
I just recently started a blog on my gaming experiences on

Just thought you'd like to know the numerous suggestions that have come in from the various DW communities:

The Front/The Campaign Front/The Dungeon Front
Grim Portents
Notes from Underground/Notes for Underground
Dungeon World Zine/Dungeon World's Zine
World Magazine
Discerning Realities
Slanting Passages
Riches & Wonders
Delve On
World of Dungeon World
World of Zines
World of 'World of'
Codex of Dungeons
Dungeon Moves
Powered by the Dungeon
Many Places to Explore
Advanced Delving

Thanks for the creative responses, folks. I'm leaning towards The Dungeon Front or Grim Portents at this stage, although Powered by the Dungeon might be a dark horse!
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

As far as I can tell, it's the 2nd of January everywhere in the world now (except where it's the 3rd)! Submissions to the first ever Dungeon World zine are now closed.

What's coming?

3 Base Classes
3 Compendium Classes
4 Races
7 Monsters
New rules for Companions, Templates and playing World of Dungeons at level 0

Plus a drug, an adventure, gaming advice, World of Dungeons material dredged up from the 80s and a way to generate thousands of monsters (and some other stuff that just squeaked in on time).

Thanks so much to everyone who submitted.

Can I still contribute?

You sure can:

You can give feedback on a few submissions.
You can illustrate one or more submissions.
You can work on a submission for the next issue.

Email me if any of these things takes your fancy.

What's the plan?

By the 15th, everyone will have returned their feedback to me, and I'll have passed it on to contributors. Contributors will tweak their contributions according to the feedback, and return their articles to me by the 20th.

On the 21st, I'll send the zine to everyone who's helped out in any way on the project – and they'll be allowed to share it with whomever they like. On the 28th, I'll release it to the public for free.

What's it going to be called?

By popular demand, this will be the first issue of 'Grim Portents'.
All my posts (unless stated otherwise) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

This is great and you're great. I'm saddened that I've only found out about DW so recently otherwise I would have tried for a contribution. Maybe for the next issue!