The Chosen move: Asking Questions for 'I'm Here For A Reason'

  • 6 Replies
The Chosen move: Asking Questions for 'I'm Here For A Reason'
« on: November 14, 2012, 05:44:46 PM »
Okay, the move basically says that the player needs to work out the details of what they're destined to do from their tags, along with the Keeper.

I had a bit of trouble working out how to do this, so I went with the Keeper principle 'Ask questions and build upon the answers'. So I asked the player a few questions which were directly or indirectly related to their tags. (Nightmares and Visions, Ancient Prophecies, Hidden Allies, Damnation, a Nemesis)

- There are Ancient Prophecies about your character. Are you aware of them, or yet to discover them? If you are aware, what do you know?
- There's one monster that appears a few times in your nightmares. What can you remember of what it looked like? (This will be the Nemesis)
- Did it speak at all in the nightmares?
- Christine has a weird birthmark, describe it.
- Any recurring themes in your nightmares, beyond weird things you'll have to fight?

I'm wondering if this is the best way of dealing with this move or not. Thoughts?

P.S. I was thinking it might be good to have a thread about good questions for first sessions, like they have on the main AW board?

Re: The Chosen move: Asking Questions for 'I'm Here For A Reason'
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 02:23:43 PM »
That's exactly the sort of questions to ask in order to work out what the Chosen's destiny is.

Re: The Chosen move: Asking Questions for 'I'm Here For A Reason'
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 02:46:14 PM »
Sadly, a lot of the answers I got were awfully vague. :(

Re: The Chosen move: Asking Questions for 'I'm Here For A Reason'
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2012, 03:34:20 PM »
In that case, I'd say the player is handing the responsibility over to you. I'd check on that, e.g. "Okay, it seems like you don't have a strong idea what's going on with your destiny. I'll just go ahead and work out what it is based on what you've told me. Cool?"

Then you can build up some ideas based on that. You don't need to nail everything down up front, either. It's fine to leave details to fill in as you play.

That last option works very well with the nightmares and visions and ancient prophecies tags: you can use those to introduce new elements any time you feel like it.

Re: The Chosen move: Asking Questions for 'I'm Here For A Reason'
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2012, 04:48:56 AM »
Yeah, I'll check with the player and see if he wants me to just go ahead and come up with stuff myself. I'll also say that we can wait until the end of the first session (we're doing this over IRC, and not everybody was available for Introductions and History last week, so we only filled in the first halves of the playbooks) and if he has any ideas about her destiny afterwards he can let me know, before I start putting my own ideas together. :)

Re: The Chosen move: Asking Questions for 'I'm Here For A Reason'
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2012, 04:00:14 PM »
Here's another question about one of the Chosen moves, but I thought I'd keep it in the same thread instead of making an entirely new one.

With Destiny's Plaything, on a miss, something bad is going to happen to them. Is this therefore a 'hold' that the Keeper can spend to hit the Chosen with a hard move at some point during the Mystery? And should that bad thing come from one of their doom tags, or should it just a generic event in the Mystery in question, regardless of whether it's connected to the Chosen's destiny arc?

Re: The Chosen move: Asking Questions for 'I'm Here For A Reason'
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2012, 04:06:50 PM »
I would normally try to make the bad thing something associated with the destiny and doom tags, but it doesn't absolutely have to be.

You can count it as a hold. I didn't use that particular mechanic in order to leave the Keeper a little more freedom to work in whatever they come up with.